Chapter One - Welcome Back

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The pain was fierce. I felt my arms and legs getting colder. As I gasped for air I was stunned when the pain started fading.  

No. I don't regret anything. Maybe not kissing my baby one more time before I left her? 

Maybe not kissing Zack sooner? No Samantha. Don’t regret. When I felt sobbing into my neck, I knew....


When Henry left, I smiled in content. Now it’s time for some arguing. I frowned; ready for the blows. I could tell by Zack's wrinkled forehead and reddening eyes that he was furious by the outcome. Jack however was emotionless with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched.

"You are not going Samantha. End of discussion," Zack stated and waved an arm off as if I wasn't allowed to speak.

"That was the shortest discussion ever!" I shouted out of pure frustration. "You saw me take down Henry! I can fight, Zack!"

"That's different. Henry is... Weak."

"Aw come on Zack! Give me a chance!"

"What about Cassie? Are you just going to leave her behind?"

Was he seriously throwing our daughter into my face? He was seriously stooping that low? How snide of him! My face turned redder from the anger building up when he made that comment.

"I told you I know where to take her that is safe!" I screamed.

He gets grumpy and hard headed sometimes. His eyes were a red brown and immediately I felt a tiny bit bad for getting so furious; but not enough to back down.

"Where exactly is this place you know that is safe?" Jack asked.


We pulled up to a very nice house that took my breath away when I saw it. The place was so new and unfamiliar to me that I had to check my paper once more to make sure I got the correct address.

"Just give me a day okay?" I told them as they stood protectively beside me.

I carried Cassie snug in my arms. She was sound asleep with her mouth slightly open. I knocked on the unfamiliar door while Zack and Jack headed back to the car.

The door opened slowly and made a little squeaking sound as it stopped. My breathing quickened as she stared at me blankly with those shiny green eyes.

"Samantha?" she gasped.

"Hey mom," I said and smiled nervously.

She was gaping. Her eyes zoned in on Cassie, who was still unaware of what exactly was going on around her.

"Meet your granddaughter," I muttered.

Maybe I shouldn't have dropped the bomb like that. But wouldn't just telling her as it is be much better than lying? It would be like ripping the band aid off instead of slowly pulling at it.

"C-C-Come in," she stuttered as she stepped out of the way.

I gave the guys a look and then went in. I had my overnight bag thrown over my shoulder-- that I had brought just in case.

The house was smaller, but fancier. Marble counter tops in kitchen that looked so shiny I swear I could see my reflection in them. A flat screen TV in the perfectly clean living room; just the size of it made me stare. It made me curious how she could afford this.  

I glanced around at some pictures; me as a baby, me in my cheerleading uniform, then me in my soccer uniform. And then a wedding photo—I froze. My mom burned all of her wedding photos after the divorce.

"Who is this?" I demanded.

She smiled sheepishly and picked up the wedding photo delicately.

"I got married a few months ago Sammy." She used my old nickname; Sammy. This was awkward.

"Uh... is he here?" I looked around the room.

"No, no. he's at the hospital."

I gave her a look. Did she say he was at the hospital? Shouldn't she be there with him?

"He's a doctor," she explained after I gave her a puzzled look.

Ah. My mom married a doctor? I suddenly felt strange, like I was walking into a stranger’s home. It was almost like I was the alien.  

But when I saw my mother’s sparkling eyes and warm smile; I felt at home.  

I walked over to the fancy black leather couch and sat down. My mom however, seemed frozen. Then she started sobbing.

"Mom!" I gasped and ran over to her, throwing my free arm over shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry! It’s been so long! I thought they had killed you!" She sobbed some more.

I patted her now short hair and hugged her tightly.

"I know mom. But I need to talk to you... And ask you a favor..."

"What's the favor?" she sniffled.

"Uh... Can I stay the night?" I asked.

Alright, so I chickened out. But asking her to take care of my daughter while I was gone would be too soon. Cassie was still sleeping in my arms so peacefully, I almost cried at the sight.

"You need to ask?" She sounded stunned.

"Is there room?"

She smiled while wiping the tears from her eyes and then walked towards the stairs I didn't notice. We went down the long hallway that had several pictures of people I didn't know. When we reached the end of the hall, she opened the door. 

It was my room. It looked like last time, but bigger and much cleaner. She made a room for me? 

I wiped a tear from my own eye and laughed.

"I bet your hubby thinks you're nuts," I laughed.

"He did at first," she laughed with me. "His name is Joe."

"Did you tell Joe everything?" I asked slowly and the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Of course! And of course he doesn't believe me. No one does... Well except Hannah. She comes by still about once or twice a month. I should call her..."

"No, it's okay. I can only stay one night; and don't fight me mom," I warned.

"I would try... are they coming?" she growled.

"They are actually nice mom. Just first impressions suck."

"Oh yeah, my daughter being carried off by an alien; great first impression!"

I rocked Cassie in my arms. Then it was like my mom had suddenly noticed her.

"Did you say 'Granddaughter?'" she asked as she stared at her wide eyes.


She reached out and touched her cheek lightly and then gave me a 'can I hold her' look. I handed her Cassie. She smiled. 

Cassie opened her eyes and they suddenly shifted from green to purple. My happy little baby.

"W-What did she just do?" mom gasped.

"Remember last time I saw you... What Jack's eyes did after I kissed him..?” I felt embarrassed about even saying that.

"She is part alien right?" She sounded calm.

"Yes, remember?"

"She's adorable," she cooed.

"I know."

"How old is she?"

"Eight months now I think," It felt like one month honestly.

She rocked her back and forth. Cassie giggled and reached for her with her little brown curls bouncing.  

Mom went into my room and sat in my chair, staring into Cassie's unnatural eyes. She loves her already. You can tell.

"I have another favor..." I muttered.

Rise Against (Book II)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz