Rise Against (Sequel to HNS) {23}

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Author's note:

Hey guys! This might be the last chapter for a week. sorry! I will be on vacation for

a week. no internet signal there :P

I might try to post tomorrow if I can. Please vote/comment. Thanks!!

-the velvet rose-



So several things I do know. 1) Zack is gone. And I have no idea where he is. 2) Jack is hurt and needs me to help him. 3) He said he's in love with me. But he was all drugged up.

I have issues..


Jack has been asleep for over an hour. I didn't want to leave him alone. So I laid on the couch and started reading Twiad books. They were definitely different from earth books.

I glanced over at Jack. Sleeping still. Then back at the book.

I heard a slight thud and looked up.

"Jack!" I gasped. He was standing right in front of me. He was sweating. Hair wet, shirt wet.

I got up to help him back to bed. But he reached out and grabbed my neck.

"Jack!" I gasped. It hurt a lot. I could barely breathe.

He slammed me against the wall and I tried my best to loosen his arm. His eyes were bright red. I whimpered and choked.

"Help" I tried to yell. But it was muffled.

No one came. I looked around the room for something. Then I caught my reflection. Not only the fear on my face. My eyes were brown. I was terrified.

Then something popped into my head. I kneed him in his stomach. He gasped and fell to the ground.

I took a deep rough breath and then grabbed his bad arm and twisted it around and held it behind his back. He growled and fought against me. But I had a firm grip.

"Somebody help!" I screamed.

Then a person ran into the room.

"He's hallucinating! Get the doctor!" I told him. He nodded and ran out of the room.

"J-Jack. Its me Samantha. C-Calm down. Your okay" I tried to soothe.

The doctor ran in and gave Jack a shot in the arm. I was panting. My throat ached. I helped the doctor carry Jack back into his bed.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked me.

"I'm fine" I whispered.

"Let me take a look at your neck"

It was obvious I was strangled. The bruises showed up fast. Black, blue, purple, yellow. It looked awful.

I went to the mirror and poked. Wincing at my touch.

The doc was looking at the bottle of pills, shaking his head.

"He took 6. Not 4. He will be out for a long time. I gave him a shot that calmed him. No wonder why he attacked you. Maybe you should stay in another room tonight? Have Jarred look after Jack?"

"No thank you. I'm fine" I still whispered.

He nodded then left 20 minutes later. I went through my bag and found my scarf. Then tied it lightly around my neck.

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