Rise Against (Sequel to HNS) {17}

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Author's note:

So I had this whole scene in my mind before I even started the story. I don't know why. haha.

I hope you like it. please vote/ comment.

Thank you!!



"Yes.. I was being stupid and ignorant. Zack told me to not go in there. But when I walked in they shot without warning. They knew I was coming. They have cameras. But I felt like I needed to prove myself"

He nodded listening.

"I left them. I'm not coming back!" I cried. Sadness and anger washed through me.


Eddie and I sat there for like an hour or so. Then he spoke.

"I miss my Penny"

"How did you die?"

"I was protecting them. Penny and Rosie. My girls. They were going to take my Rosie. Tests on her and stuff. But I told them I will do whatever they want if they go free. So they brought me into a room and did tests for weeks. And didn't tell me whether my girls were let go.

One day I ran to find them. Then was dragged back and shot in the head"

"How come you don't have a stain like I do?"

"I cleaned up here"

"When did you die?"

"About six or seven weeks after they came"

"That was over a year ago"

He nodded sadly.

"I'm really sorry Eddie"

"I'm sorry too. They killed almost half of our race"

Half? I couldn't believe it. Almost half of their race?

"How many is that?" I asked.

"Over 500. There was nearly a thousand of us before" He whispered. "I saw many men killed right in front of me"

"I wish I were alive. I want to help so badly" I started to cry. "What if someone dies? Zack or Jack?"

"If they died. You would see them here"

Okay. So that means they are still alive.. But they could be getting tortured.

"I miss my daughter!" I cried.

He patted me on the back and nodded understanding.

"I miss my Rosie too" He whispered.

We walked around for a long time. I never got tired. So we walked for hours? Days? Just talking. I wasn't ever hungry. I wondered how the guys were doing?

I went over to the water and thought about them.

"It doesn't work that way. We cant communicate with the living. Trust me. I would have gone through the door if I found out if my Penny was safe" He told me.

"I just have to see their faces. Even if it is in my memory"

I just watched. Birthdays. Christmas. Kisses. Then my death. I watched the death scene several times. I wished I could see more then just through my eyes. I wanted to see Jack's expression. Weird right?

"I'm going to walk by myself for a while. I need to clear my mind" I whispered to Eddie.

He nodded and I walked through the woods. The trees were green and bright. So healthy looking.

There was a pond. I felt like I should clean myself up a bit. So I walked into the water. I let myself fall to the bottom of the water. I didn't need air. I just looked up at the sky from under water.

Then maybe an hour later. I swam back up.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the water. You could see my black underwear through the white dress. Okay. So I need to dry before I walk anywhere else.

I laid in the tall grass and stared at the half sun. expecting it to burn my eyes. Well it didn't.

It was never night here. But it was always cool outside.

My dress was dry now. I got up and walked around.

"Excuse me? Can you help me?" A woman asked.

She was wearing pajamas. Weird.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I cant seem to find my house here. My husband will be worried about me. Could you help?"

"Um.. How did you die?"

"Die?" She laughed. "I'm not dead!"

"Yes you are"

"Your nuts! Get away from me"

"Whatever lady" I rolled my eyes. "Your dead"

"You stupid girl. You should be in the insane hospital!"

"I'm not the stupid one old woman" Okay. So I'm lacking in niceness. Who cares? I'm dead after all...

"I'm not old! I'm 27"

"We are in the between world whatever Ed called it. It means you have died and are here. You should find a door and cross over to heaven" I explained. I haven't even looked for the door. I didn't have courage.

"Ma'am. Your dead. I am really sorry. I truly am. But we are both dead. I was shot and killed. don't you remember how you died?" I asked.

She started thinking. Then gasped.

"I was sick.. Really sick.. I don't remember dying for anything though! I was sleeping and woke up here"

"I'm sorry.. You should look for a door"

"Thank you" She frowned and left.

I sat there alone. Then I heard a sound.

"Samantha" A soft voice called.

"Hello?" I called.

"Follow me"

I turned to look at the woman. She was beautiful. White hair pale skin and blue eyes.

"Are you an angel?" I asked.

"Yes.. Now follow or lose your chance" She demanded.

I got up and followed her. She was pushy for sure. She wore a long white dress that dragged on the ground.

She walked fast over to this water fall. under the waterfall was a pond. Clear and beautiful.

"Get in it" She demanded.

I swam in.

"What is going to happen? I'm not ready to go to heaven" I told her.

"Your getting a second chance!"


"Your going back to your life okay? But its going to be different okay?"

"What do you mean by different?"

"You wont be the same"


She stopped me with her hand. Then the water pulled me under. I screamed and went under water. The water glowed and I panicked. What did she mean by different?!?

Rise Against (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now