Part 1: Info Sources

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Hi people! In this part you can find the info sources I know that are good, bad or medium. Why the medium? Easy answer, they are not great but they are not a complete mess. I'll go updating this from time to time when I find an info source that could be good.

Let's start with the good one:

- TOGA Forum:

It's the best since it has good info, people that try to update it from time to time, and the moderators of that forum do a good report investigation. That's mostly one friend opinion had of it.  The only trouble is its low activity, because most posts are made by only 3-8 people and that can be good to avoid troll info.

I cannot say mine in this, because I'm in that one and I won't give my opinion because it'll be biased by my will to make it look better. To hit worse, always I'll say it but to put more hopes than to be expected I won't say it.

It's the best one that I saw. And the link, always. That way I honor those who created the forums and the info sources even if they are bad.

Now to the medium ones:

- Iruna Boards: It is of Iruna and Toram, you can find info of both well but there is way too much info for a page and it is big but sometimes is hard to find the info you want. That's why it is medium. Still it is the best of the two I saw.

Honoring it:

- Toram Info (and other SHIZZ): @CarnageKat book. It isn't really good (sorry but its the truth) but I went to fix some data that I found wrong there so it is better than the other ones still. If she(for her profile photo) kept giving tips and doing with good info that has been checked I'd be glad to read and check it out and correct it if needed!

And that story gave me the idea of doing this story to help out new people! 

Honor for this wonderful story that tried and failed but tried, don't regret about it and be happy even from the worst failures you learn!:

And now the worst of the worst, the info sources that made me angry way too much and don't deserve no one to check it. For your own good: Don't go to these ones because you'll get bad info and it'll be bad for you!

- TOF(Toram Online Forums):

I still remember the % of good info that you could find. A 50% more or less, and 25% is copied and not entirely correct. Still people heard to others trying to fix it back then. Now? I'm pretty sure that now is worse or keeps up thanks to a wonderful player that deserves honor that is BK (and chatting with him would be wonderful!). 

Also there you find random info and bad info. Let's be honest, the personal luck sharing rumour came from there and its false(yes personal luck only affects you and the books drop rate up share with pt). Or the rumour that all crafters not at max level are scammers which is false. So for TOF: Control a bit your info and forget about saying that we are the bad guys. That's the only thing I ask from you.

I honor it but I reccomend going to other forums before this one or not even put a feet into this one, even if BK keeps good info there:

- Toram Amino: Yeah there's an amino of the game. But filled with people that seems to love Nightmare roars and some are useless. They hold the record of how fast anyone can anger me badly and its in 8 days. So imagine how they manage to anger me. I'm usually kind but being kind and being called a fool? Come on! That they keep with random and outdated info and some of them stay being useless.

By the way, NC is surpassed by another quest now. Bright Under the Darkness, find it. Is hard with mewte to farm but if you have a good build (a good farmer berserker works like hell in that area, a lot of STR, some DEX and 120 LUCK, good skills and a good crit rate/crit dmg equipment is all what you need), it is really easy to do. So grab your luck mages and start farming in Gravel terrace and go well prepared! It is not easy to kill them but if the pt work together you can farm as fast as Nightmare Crystals and get more exp than NC and gems.

Here I won't even honor, I really want to but... is that they simply deserve to be forgotten. Sorry but is the truth. I try but the simple idea that any of the readers fall to it just makes me sad enough to say that I won't honor them. I rather prefer that you end in Toram Online Forums that ending there.

Glad to be of help and when I manage to get a better cover I'll post more info here so you can wait or you can read any of my stories or you can go to the forums and the info sources I put!

Have a good day!


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