Part 2: How to lv up efficiently and not going suicide

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Hi readers! As the title says I'll tell you how to lv up without going to troll in nightmare roar.
Why I say that? Because I already saw many lv 10-20 going to roar, even lv 40 and I've seen how all of them were winding up dead time after time and making the farm painful and boring. I could just kick them or leave party but that would be only a temporary solution and a bad one.

Why there are those people that go to areas that will get them killed time after time because they are weak? Bad info sources of course. Someone said that the most efficient way to lv up was going there and be a leecher because you are not strong enough to fight them. Some people when they see weak people just leave pt, and if you enter or meanwhile you grab exp by doing nothing and you are kicked you will end needing more time than my ways to lv up because they see you as what you are, a suicide player that go to leech on them.
And I saw many players go saying saying lfp leveling and how they are hours without a party.

There are better ways and less dangerous and they take time but at least you manage to not be a trouble for others and in the end, unless you are lucky and a team accepts that you won't do nothing.

So let's start with the way for mages that are farmers and berserkers that are farmers too.
Way number 1, quite easy and for new players that use mages or berserkers, but is longer because mages need lv 70 to arrive to storm if it's:

1-Go to ruined temple A2 and start farming goblins. It'll take you an hour to reach level 20 more or less with a party. Faster with a full mage party.

2-When you reach lv 20, you can start going to nisel mountain and farm Nisel Wood and bitter nut, you can use them to lv up when you arrive to lv 25-27 with the quests of Timber Shortage of Yunis and The Overlooked Snack of Zono. You'll have to arrive to lv 50 with them or have friends to farm Magic Marionette heart because as far as I've seen lately New Moon Palace is empty of parties lately. Before it was more crowded. I'll explain the two options if you are a mage, if you are a berserker you can push to lv 70

2.5a -In case that some friends and you go after MMH doing the Superficial Knowledge of Magic quest given by Lefina, you can be happy because you'll reach to lv 50 very quickly or 70 if you push it. It's quick.

2.5b- You'll be forced to go to skeleton(zoktzda ruins) area until lv 70, go as a mage with wall to NC or do a non farmer and up it to lv 70 using quests and the way I'll explain below and learn storm when the other character is 70. If you are a mage  without Storm in Nightmare roar area you'll be treated as if you went without level. With berserker will be a more complicated thing since most believe that only mages are great farmers. Even I can't help you a lot thanks to a community like this.

3-With storm, you can farm Nightmare crystal until you are lv 100 and with some people that you can trust you can farm White Petals from mewte and go to Felicia to do her quest Bright Even in the Darkness. With a luck berserker(or farmer berserker) you can do the same and you avoid the silence skill effect. Or you can farm nonstop Nightmare crystal until you get bored of lv100-120.

Now to the nonfarmers way, since there is no difference between if they are first or not, I'll explain the first character way.

1-Go to Goblins and farm as fast as you can to lv 20 or you go to Witeka Scorched Plains (or other places where the mobs are strong but squishy) and go to kill the smaller Savarans since they are weaker and give exp and a good amount.

2-Complete quests to arrive to lv70(main quest and/or sidequests that aren't hard).

3-Get a farmer and lv it up going directly after storm and then farm nightmare crystals to lv it up.

If you already have a character at lv 70 and a farmer you can directly level it up from lv 27 using Bitter nuts and nisel woods and later with Nightmare crystals.

It was easy to go leveling before but now is hard thanks to those who instead of working their way up to levels where they are safe they go to an area to leech. And the glorious example is new moon palace.

Next chapter will be: Farmers! How do I do one? How I get easy spina?

It is easy but well since easier things were failed better that I explain it. And the ways of getting spina are for high leveled people.

This is outdated now thanks to the changes of EXP giving. Next chapter I post will be put the new way. I will do it when I fix some troubles with posting videos.

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