Part 4: New leveling system!

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Hi people! I know that I haven't updated this in ages! Life is tough and making a tamer is useless, no matter what you do. The pets are useless unless you pay and even then they are not as useful as they should.

At least they are not like the ones of Avabel. They were crap, only giving low stats buffs, and the good ones were for pay so literally it was pay to win.

So, since Toram has changed the exp and how to get it quickly I decided to work on it and explain it to you all!
TOGA also is kinda dead because most of the people do not post nothing and the few that posted things are busy (me included). But I will try to make some posts in TOGA now that I have time! (Mostly working in a samurai build while seeing the new exp system)

Explaining the exp system that has changed!
It has become like FF, Final fantasy for those who do not know it, and gives exp depending on the level of the player and the level of the monster.

Explaining it better: The difference of level is important to get level. Why? If it is more than 10 levels, exp gain will be lowered a lot. Like if you are level 30 and kill a level 10 monster you will get really low exp. Also happens if you are level 1 and kill a lv 21 monster (You can do it with monofu skill, and that is how I know the limit of level difference). But you can get a nice amount of exp if you are within 10 levels range from the monster.

So what do you have to do now to level up quickly? Go to areas where monsters are around this 10 level range from yours, kill lots of monsters and level up. Of course that means that farming mages to get quick level up are more or less useless now. So I will have to work on my mage to turn it into battle type mage (only I have to change the equipment so it should be quick!).

Now Toram can be played easily by anyone (or I feel like it). Still we have the most of players being damage dealers only, and more now with the katana. Still tanks can also level up quickly with this new exp system.

If you have any kind of questions regarding Toram, I can try to answer them. Still, things change as developers feel like it, so they can change. And this chapter is proof of that.

Have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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