Part 3: Farmers! How do I do one!? How I get easy spina?

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Hi readers! Beat here to tell you about farmers. Still, I'm aware that this may open the pandora box of farming and getting into a big mess of comments.

Why I say that? Mostly because in this part I'll fix some mistakes like some things said in info sources that I call bad info sources that caused many troubles, like the false info that said that luck shared to all pt and the mistake that if you have maxed luck you'll get all superquick.

So let's start talking of how Luck works before entering into the general builds(I won't put entire builds for that check TOGA and to check the thing of Luck if you want or are unsure of this because I know that explaining this is hard and I may not explain all exactly right).

If you get more luck you can get better drops is the quickest way to say it. But to be exact, all drops have their own drop rate area and that area has it's luck area.

You could say that each time you kill a mob, a roulette of drops starts spinning and where it stops is where it shows what you will get. Getting luck makes that each area changes of shape making the most common items to appear less and the most rare items to appear more.

So which areas there are these but change depending if it's monster or boss or miniboss:

-Common : The 2 most common items, without luck you will get more of this than the rest of items. 60 luck

-Uncommon: Third item that appears! Usually what farmers want, even if its flower nectar, white petal, etc. Most efficient luck to get more of this type of items is by someone else tests is 90.

-Rare: 120 luck . But in monsters is gear or crystals. UNLESS NC thanks to someone else test that say that it is uncommon B but appear third item always. Logic? None but if its tested by the one I know, is far sure to be truth.

For mobs you have the books but this type of items share the drop rate up to all the party!

In the case of bosses this changes a bit, sum up the difficulty levels and the gems work as the books but the books go better for monsters:

Boss drop chart:

-Common A: The most common, without luck you will get more of this than the rest of items. Effective luck? 60

-Common B: Second common. Effective luck? 90

-Uncommon A: Most efficient luck to get more of this type of items is 120 points in Luck.

-Uncommon B: Fourth mat. 150 luck is the luck that you need to use for this materials

-Rare A: Special weapons or materials. 180 luck is the area of drop

-Rare B: Armor or weapon. 210 luck needed to be efficient because is the area of drop.

-Ultra-rare: Crystals and things like that. 240 of luck for efficient farming.

And for last the minibosses:

-Common items: 60 luck for efficient farm

-Uncommon: 90 luck is the area of drop

-Rare A: Weapons or mats. 120 luck is the area of drop

-Rare B: 150 luck is the area of drop.

-Ultra-rare: Crystals and things like that. 180 is enough.

Still this drop things changes when the devs want (being honest). They have done it once, they can do it twice but I don't think that it'll change a lot. This is why I said before that I may open the pandora box, because I don't want that now the devs say: Let's change it and then all to crap. For now is tested and is that.

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