Chapter Six

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"It's libuim alright." Kesler had said. Sophie stared at the fruit bowl set in front of her.

Sandor had wanted to destroy the the fruit, but Sophie didn't let him, while the glass was being replaced, she sat at her table. Her arms crossed she glared at the fruit bowl, as if by her cold glare and sheer will, they'd disappear.

Sandor stood beside her glaring at the elves. Sophie sighed after they had left, she heard one mumbled "What did the fruit ever do to her?" Standing up Sophie knew what she needed to do. She had already cleared everything from her schedule for the day. Leaving messages to couples she was supposed to meet with, and she had managed to convince Oralie to get someone else to go to the weddings. Being sure her shoes were safely put away, and her closet door was closed, Sophie let Iggy out of his cage. She checked the water bowl and food bowl, before wrapping her cape around her. She and Sandor had been up all night, not only with nerves but trying to figure out what to do about this Neverseen, and how best to keep Sophie safe. She hadn't changed from her dress or boots. Taking Sandor's hand, she lifted her sucker punch and they leaped away.

"Sophie?" Edaline asked in surprise, as she walked in on her and Grady having breakfast. "Hi." Sophie greeted as she pulled her circlet off, she set it on the counter and went to hug her guardians. "How are you? You look tired. Have you been sleeping well?" Grady asked. "Do you want to quit? Or you could move back." Edaline said. Sophie smiled at them as she sat down. "I'm fine. I'm sorry I haven't visited. I've been drowning in paper work." She said, as Edaline set two plates of food out forcing Sandor to eat.

"We understand. It sure has been quiet around here." Edaline said. "With you and Elwin not being here." Grady said making Sophie laugh. "I'm sure Elwin is enjoying the break." She said as before shoveling food in her mouth. Food had never tasted so good. Home had never felt so safe. Sophie spent the day with Edaline and Grady, but as dinner came around they sat together. "Sophie...what's wrong?" Edaline asked wrapping a warm arm around her.

Sophie sank into the embrace, "What do you mean?" She asked. Grady joined in on the hug, "Your smile and's keep glancing over your shoulder." He said. Sophie hadn't realized she had done so. "Someone tried putting libuim in my food." She said. "The Neverseen broke into the flat." Sandor growled. Grady and Edaline tensed. "I'm okay. I promise." Sophie said holding them close, as if to prove it. "It just kind of shook me up." Sophie said. "It was Brant." Sandor said. Sophie shot him a glare as Edaline gasped. Grady hugged his wife and daughter closer.

"I'll have safety precautions put in the flat, my office, besides Sandor is with me, and I have inflicting, I'll be safe." Sophie said. It seemed as if Grady and Edaline wanted to protest, to tell her to go march straight to her room and don't come out until it was safe. "I just wanted home for now." Sophie said. "Visit us more often." Edaline scolded, breaking the tense atmosphere. "I meant to come for dinner the day before yesterday, but I got caught up in some stuff." Sophie said. "But I'll try my best." Sophie said.


This next day, it seemed as if everyone wanted to get revenge on Sophie for taking the day off, and she found herself buried in paper work.

Laboring through the work, Sophie chanted 'dream job' in her mind, to keep from screaming and ripping her hair out. Kysil was going back and forth between Sophie's office and the others, carrying stacks of papers, and sending even more to Quintin. Multi tasking, Sophie ate and continued through the stacks. The same went through dinner, Sophie didn't go home as she stayed up, scribbling her name over the paper work she was allowed to authorize. Sending a stack of wedding forms to Bronte as a 'honest mistake' Sophie's eyes were blurry and they burned like grains of sand were behind them.

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