Chapter Seventeen

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Sophie was up to her elbows in dish water, as she scrubbed pots and pans. People hurried in the side kitchen they had all pitched in to make.

People had cooked and others ate. Sophie hadn't eaten yet and her stomach was reminding her she was hungry. Blowing a strand of dark hair out of her face, Sophie's shoulders hurt from scrubbing the pots and pans. Apparently some elves were bad at cooking. The thought cheered Sophie, at least she wasn't the only elf bad at something.

Sophie's stomach growled again, and Sophie wanted to growl back in frustration. "You haven't eaten." Sophie jumped and looked up at Alden, who was staring at the covered plate on the clean counter. "Not yet. I'm almost finished here." Sophie said. Alden rolled his sleeves up, "Sit down and eat. I'll take care of the rest of those." He said nodding to the sink still full of dishes. "But-" the twisting hunger made her rinse off her hands and dry them on a hand towel before she sat on the counter.

"So, would you mind telling me who Anne is?" Sophie choked on her warm food. Hitting her chest she cleared it as she coughed. Alden didn't look up as he washed dishes. His eyes were focused and sharp, Sophie was glad he wasn't looking at her with that focused and piercing look. "What do you know?" Sophie asked before she continued eating.
"That you sneaked out of the room early this morning to meet her. I heard most of your conversation." Alden said. Sophie sighed, she hadn't known she had woken anyone up.

"So you heard about the goblins prepping to help us fight those things?" She asked. "Among other things." Alden said as he rinsed the dishes. "Anne...she's a friend. She's trust worthy." Sophie said. "I figured that much, since you talked to familiarly with her." Alden said. "She has some people running down here, to get news to her." Sophie said. "Yes, but I'm betting Anne really isn't... Her." Alden said shooting Sophie a look over his shoulder. Sophie shook her head looking back at her food. "No." If only he knew, Wylie was the pale skinned red haired girl.

Sophie let out a quiet half laugh. She could just see everyone's jaw dropping. "Well, it seems like you both have everything planned. I just don't understand, how...." Alden finished washing dishes, and let the water out before drying his hands. "How they could still be alive. How you are..." Alden said facing her. Sophie finished her food, and handed the plate to Alden, who quickly washed it. "I might teach you later." She said. "Sophie." Alden called her back, as she turned to leave. Alden took her shoulders and looked at her, because she was in Eliza's form, she was nearly as tall as him. "At least tell me." He lowered his voice. "Is the council still alive?" He asked.

Sophie hesitated for a second before giving the smallest of nods, and Alden breathed a sigh of relief, as he stepped back, using the counter to hold himself up. "Thank goodness." He breathed. "They'll be coming back with their representative." Sophie said. Alden stilled, as if trying to piece the plan she had together. Sophie left him in confusion, she went to the main hall, where people were milling about, unsure what to do.

Sophie found Physic, in the small room that had been assigned as the healing center. Alina sat still as she clutched her husband's hand. "The little peanut is safe." Physic said, as Sophie walked in. Alina started crying with relief, as Gordon hugged his family close. "Oh. Sorry." Sophie said turning on her heel she strode out. Sophie felt relieved the baby was safe. She found Sandor standing in the corner. "These people need to learn to fight." He grumbled. Sophie looked over the group of elves.

They were still afraid, because they knew if those things found them they couldn't protect themselves or their families. "Can you train them?" Sophie asked. Sandor shrugged, "I can probably whip a few into shape, but I can't do miracles." He said. Sophie placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do what you can. Please." Sandor nodded. Leaving him to figure out the training schedules, Sophie spotted a light haired elf across the room. Weaving her way through she caught his hand, making him jump. "Hey, I need your help." She said as she pulled Harley away from his Dad.

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