Chapter Ten

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This is for Purple_Writer_ who successfully guessed who the red sealed notes were from.


Noland's office was empty. Searching through important papers he reported everything was there. Sandor and Noland's body guard sniffed around the office

Sophie however knew, there was a secret tunnel beside Noland's desk. "I didn't send that note." She said, again and again. Half to herself and half to Noland. Besides she had just been with Emery, and there was only a minute between then and when Noland had gone into her office, it took at least a minute and a half to reach Sophie's office from Noland's. Meaning the time wasn't adding up. Unless it wasn't Noland's office they had wanted empty...

"What would whoever it was want a bunch of weddings forms for?" Sophie asked aloud. "Are you saying someone wanted your office empty?" Noland asked, hardly looking surprised she had come to the conclusion. "Maybe...but how did they forge my signature, I make it as messy as possible." Sophie said. "You said you also sent Kysil away." Noland added as he started pacing his office. His thin form tense with worry. "Yeah, Right before lunch. I went to lunch to meet some of my friends, then I came back when Emery hailed me." Sophie said. "But you got all your work finished." Sandor said. "Yeah, it's not like there is anything there of importan-..." Sophie trailed off.

The only importance was her planner, every single place she'd be for the next two days and the bramble jersey was a dead give away. Sophie's spin chilled, "What is it?" Noland asked, Sophie turned on her heel and marched out of his office.

Sure enough. Back in her office Sophie's planner was set out on her desk, Saturday was circled in red, with another black dot in the middle, making a target, an 'X' crossed it out. Sandor was sniffing her planner and growled. "Ash." He said. Saturday was the day scheduled for another public appearance at Ruy's tribunal. "What does this mean? Who did this? Are we in danger? Are you endangering us? Should we add more guards?" Noland rambled on as he paced her office. "No amount of guards can get that target off my back." Sophie said quietly, as she picked up the bramble jersey.

Her arms tingled and stung. Sophie looked down and flung the jersey away. "Call Elwin!" She shouted digging out her allergy medicine out of her tunic, as hives appeared on her arms, she drank the fizzy liquid, as her arms started itching, Noland grabbed his imparter, and Sandor held Sophie steady as she swayed on her feet. Dots of black danced in her vision. Her ears rang and she heard Sandor say something about 'allergy' Sophie however couldn't focus on what was going on around her, as her muscles turned to liquid she felt herself falling, but she couldn't move her muscles to stop herself from falling, she found her blurry vision staring up at at an upside down black swan, gliding across a peaceful lake, before the darkness spread.


"Ugh..." Sophie managed to groan. Every muscle felt as heavy as lead. "Oh thank goodness." She heard Elwin breathe. Sophie's mouth felt dry, and her tongue felt unfamiliar. Sophie tried to sit up but Elwin's hand pushed her back down firmly. "Don't move, not yet." He said. "I'm going to give you some water, you're dehydrated." He said, a cool lip of glass pressed to Sophie's mouth. The cold water filled her mouth, and she managed to force it down her stringing throat. She coughed and gagged, finding strength she pushed herself on her side and threw coughed up what little that had just gone down.

"Easy. You're in the safe zone now." Elwin assured. Sophie opened her eyes to see herself in what looked to be a healing center, she spotted a dull greyish purple banshee staring at her from under another bed. It's beady eyes were on her, and watched her, as if expecting her to go back to the brink of death. Sophie's arms were bandaged in white soft cloth. Sophie sat up, ignoring Elwin sealing the air tight bag she had just thrown up in, swinging her legs off the cot she set her feet on the floor. "Just take it easy." Elwin said. Every joint in Sophie's body felt inflamed, and her bones felt stiff, and her muscles hurt every time she moved. "The libuim was harder to treat since it was external." Elwin said.

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