12. Star Pupil

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All week Kayla couldn't stop thinking about her date with Jack. After their jet ski adventures, the two had reconvened at Jack's boat where he had wrapped her in a towel and suggested they go find food. The two had walked along the harbor enjoying local food from different street vendors before Jack had dropped her off at home, kissing her goodbye at the door. Kayla found herself replaying that kiss in her head instead of paying attention to the Wednesday Patho lecture.

"Miss Kavari?" Dr. Martell said, interrupting her daydream. Ryan nudged her arm.

"Oh um, I'm sorry can you repeat the question?" Kayla blushed.

"I don't like to repeat myself Miss Kavari...." Dr. Martell sighed. "What is the difference between a sign and a symptom in a clinical manifestation?" he huffed impatiently.

"Right, sorry. Um, well a sign is objective and observable whereas a symptom is subjective and must be disclosed by the patient," Kayla said, fiddling with her pen.

"And can you provide examples of each?"

"A sign would be like a fever or blotchy skin. And a symptom... hm... nausea, pain, and fatigue are some common ones."

"Precisely," Dr. Martell smiled. Kayla looked down at her desk, not wanting to maintain eye contact for too long. It was only halfway through the second week of classes and this was already the fifth time Dr. Martell had singled her out to answer a question.

When class was over Ryan and Kayla headed to Starbucks, which had become the usual after school meeting spot for the foursome. Nisa was already there, her books sprawled out at a table in a back corner. When she saw Kayla and Ryan come through the door her eyes lit up and she waved the two over. Kayla collapsed into the chair next to her, letting her backpack fall to the floor.

"Rough day?" Nisa asked, noting the unamused look on Kayla's face.

"I swear if Dr. Martell calls on me one more time..." Kayla groaned.

"But you're his star pupil," Ryan laughed.

"Well I'd appreciate it if he would pick on someone else for a change," she said, rolling her eyes.

Matt came in the door and when he saw the three he motioned toward the register, indicating that he was going to order a drink before heading over.

"Hey Nisa, whatever ended up happening with Dom? You find out what was sketch about him?" Kayla asked, now sitting up in her chair and pulling her textbook out of her backpack.

"I ended up doing some investigating and I couldn't find anything. But I still couldn't shake the feeling so I just confronted him about it," Nisa said.

"Ooohhh no you didn't! What did he say?" Ryan said, leaning forward in his chair.

"He said I was just being paranoid," she said.

"Damn.. what's he hiding?" Kayla thought aloud, brow furrowed.

"Girl I wish I knew," Nisa sighed.

Matt walked over to the table carrying four coffees in a cardboard cupholder.

"Are those all for you?" Nisa smirked.

"No. One's for Ryan, one's for Kayla, and two are for me," Matt retorted sarcastically as he handed everyone a coffee.

"How was your day?" Kayla asked Matt as he sat down across from her. Things were slowly getting less awkward between the two.

"Ugh stressful. I don't know how you guys keep up with all the work and still find time to fool around with guys," he snarked.

Nisa cackled, "No wonder you're always in such a bad mood." Then, "Somebody's not getting laid," she said in a baby voice, teasing him.

"You should really try it some time," Ryan giggled. Lately he had been getting pretty friendly with Adam from the bar.

The two laughed at Matt in unison until Ryan caught a glimpse of Kayla's face. She was frowning.

"What? You aren't getting laid either?" he teased.

Kayla stayed quiet and looked down at the table, blushing. Suddenly all eyes were on her. Matt studied her face curiously.

"Not in awhile," she finally said quietly.

"Why?" Nisa asked.

"My ex-boyfriend, the guy I lost my virginity to, he was kind of an asshole so..." she let out a dry laugh. "So since then I just haven't..." she trailed off.

"Damn I'm sorry, babe," Nisa reached across the table to grab her hand.

"How long has it been?" Ryan asked.

"I dunno. 3 years about."

Ryan's jaw dropped. "Oh no I could never!"

Everyone watched for Kayla's reaction. She smiled a little and finally she burst out laughing. "I guess 3 years is a long time," she said, and they all laughed along with her.

"Well you know, Imari is having a party Friday," Ryan said, "maybe two will get lucky there." He gestured to Kayla and Matt.

Imari was a third year. It was rumored that he came from Nigerian royalty and that his family was extremely wealthy. He was known for the extravagant and exclusive parties that he would throw at his penthouse downtown inner harbor. Leave it to Ryan to secure an invite.

"How the hell did you get an invite?" Nisa asked.

"I may have oversold my DJing skills," Ryan smiled coyly. "But Imari said in exchange for my services I could invite a few people. So you three are gonna drop whatever lame plans you might've had for Friday and come with me for a night to remember!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Nisa grinned, already planning her outfit in her head.

"I'm down," Matt chimed in.

"Kayla?" Ryan asked. The three looked at her, waiting for a response.

"Okay, count me in," Kayla said with a small smile.

"Great so it's settled then," Ryan said giddily.

"In that case, we better get a move on with this homework," Kayla said, finally opening her textbook.

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