Necromance: Chapter Four

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By: Rachel Kramer

Chapter Four:

I heard footsteps near the end of the hall, followed by someone yelling, "Don't shoot!"

Since it was a guy's voice, and Gavin clearly had his mouth shut now that I had my gun trained on him, I figured Addison was behind the yelling.

"Why not?" I countered, never letting my focus wane.

"Because," Addison said, sounding calmer, "You don't have a silencer. The neighbors will hear it and call the cops, and things could get complicated."

When I showed no signs of letting their guest off the hook, Addison continued, "If they don't try to arrest you for attempted murder, they'll send Gavin off to some science lab."

The first half didn't sound like fun, but I told myself that there was nothing wrong with the latter. Unfortunately though, Addison was right. I would probably get the most shit about this if anything went down. It took me a moment, but with great effort and much regret, I lowered my firearm. I turned towards Addison and worked to keep my anger and frustration for this situation from showing on my face.

"Look, I really do appreciate you two letting me stay here and all, so don't take this the wrong way, but...Whathehell?!"

April, who was taller and more toned than I was, cast her grey eyes to the carpet. She refused to look at me, and was ringing her hands nervously like a ten year old. Her brother continued to play cool and simply shrugged at my bafflement.

"You guys know about this?" I asked them incredulously.

The question had been directed to brother and sister, but only Addison replied. "Yes."

"Are you crazy? Both of you could be exiled for this."

Addison crossed his arms, which bulged menacingly under his grey shirt. "Only if you go around telling everyone."

"And I'd be right to do just that," I pointed out. A whimper from April caught my attention. Her head was still hung in shame, but now it looked like she might be crying. I sighed, "But I won't."

Gavin raised one eyebrow at that, but didn't say a word.

Addison, though, looked genuinely shocked. "You won't?"

I should. I knew I should. It's what I was supposed to do... except, I wasn't a preternatural assassin anymore. Technically, I didn't have to play by their rules. I was just someone going about their ordinary life, who also just so happened to be a badass in hand-to-hand combat and weapons training. Oh yeah, and I was on the run so often, witness protection had run out of alias' to give me.

"No. I won't," I told them, "because if I betray you, I betray Camille, and I could never do that to her."

All the tension in April's shoulders seemed to seep out of her. I could tell she was relieved I wouldn't be turning them all in. I remembered Camille telling me something about April being stressed earlier - this must have been why. I started to feel a little guilty. After all, this wasn't my life any more, and therefore, none of my business who April and Addison associated themselves with.

Addison held his sister in a consoling half-hug. For an assassin, April wasn't as thick-skinned as I originally imagined.

"I'm sorry, April - you too, Addison.' He returned the same tired smile he'd shown me earlier, and April simply nodded.

"Hey? Don't I get an apology? You were about to shoot me a minute ago."

I ignored Gavin. "I can tell I've upset you, and since both of you seem to have a lot on your plate right now, I can just go-"

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