Necromance: Chapter Six

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By: Rachel Kramer

Chapter Six:

Gavin? Cursed? I knew such a thing was possible, but I'd never heard of something as peculiar as Gavin's case. The witch or warlock that cursed him must have been pretty powerful considering his ghoulish state. His condition was so convincing it was scary. The guy healed like a monster, and ate like one too. Even now it was hard to believe he wasn't truly undead.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

April nodded solemnly, "Addy and I were there the night it happened."

I bit my lip, hesitant to ask what I quietly wondered. My curiosity got the better of me. "What happened?"

There was a knock at April's door, and we both jumped, startled by the arrival. For all we knew, it could be Gavin, who may have heard everything we'd just said.

"Yes?" April asked nervously from where she stood, not bothering to go to the door and let in our visitor.

"Just letting you know breakfast is ready." April and I sighed in relief recognizing her brother's voice.

"Thanks. We'll be down shortly."

Addison's audible footsteps faded as he walked further away from April's room, down the hall. A moment later it was silent, indicating the coast was clear.

"Do you think he heard?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. If he did, I doubt he'll care too much. It's Gavin who's sensitive about the subject. He says it's just a reminder of 'the Hell he'll be stuck in for eternity'. He's lost all hope for himself."

My chest hurt, remembering all the horrible things I'd said to Gavin in the past twelve hours. I wanted to kick myself. He probably hated me now, and it's not like I could blame him. God, if I were him, I'd kick my own ass.

"But didn't you say it wasn't permanent," I asked as she tossed one of her dresses to me to change into. It was pink and lacey and looked like something that should be on a doll. I had to bite my tongue to keep from making a not-so-polite comment about what I thought of the frilly dress that only someone like Paris Hilton would wear. I had to remind myself that April was being generous, lending me more of her expensive clothing. She could have easily left me to stay in her borrowed pajamas or to change into my ruined white cocktail dress.

"Yes," she drawled. "But it's sort of complicated." April pulled another dress from her closet. It was blue and just as girly, and I was reminded of a time when Camille and I would play dress-up with our mother's clothes.

"How do you mean?"

April pursed her lips. "Well, for the curse to be reversed, the original warlock who cast the spell would have to revoke it, and it's not looking good. This particular warlock tends to hold a grudge."

"Another, more powerful witch couldn't reverse the curse?"

She shook her head. "No. We already tried that and, as you can see, it didn't work."

"How much time does he have," I asked. There was a knot in my stomach, and I realized I was scared for Gavin. He used to fight the monsters, and now he could become one of them if his condition wasn't remedied. If it were me, I'd be devastated.

"That's the thing," she explained, "It could be decades, or it could be tomorrow. If the warlock dies, the curse is permanent, and Gavin will become one of the undead."

"That's so..." but I had no words for what it was. Awful? Heartbreaking? Tragic?

"Yeah," April said warily.

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