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What is infinite?The universe andthe greed of men

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What is infinite?
The universe and
the greed of men.

- Leigh Bardugo


THE CLOUDS HAVE passed and the sun shone like it was its last day, and the breeze barely chilled them for the heat was too bare and hot

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THE CLOUDS HAVE passed and the sun shone like it was its last day, and the breeze barely chilled them for the heat was too bare and hot. This had not affected Rebekah nor König, no somehow their skin had coated them more warmth than other beings could.

König had arrived at exactly the time when the sun had been in the middle of the sky. He stared at the cottage where Rebekah resides in before entering, completely unannounced and uninvited. He welcomed himself like his own guest to a home he never thought he would ever see again.

As the door creaked and opened, Rebekah had quickly ushered König in, for he was someone no one should ever know about, someone who was not supposed to even be there.

"Make this quick then leave," Rebekah hissed, gripping his arm with a force of steel. "What do you want from me?"

She was pissed and overly frustrated over this man - this hideous being coming over. She wanted to grip his neck and choke him to his last breath, but she never knew what was up his dark abyss of a sleeve.

Placing a hand over hers, he removed hers and placed them over her lap while they sat on the wooden chairs.

Grinning like a mad man, he answered. "It is quite simple," he leaned forward. "I want them dead, all of them." He whispered gently in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Taking a deep, furious breath, Rebekah held firm on his thighs and clenching her hands over it with a strength of ten men in one. She was at the verge of slamming his revolting face at her round table.

"Hearken my words thoroughly, you piece of scheisse," she gritted through her teeth. "You will leave this city unharmed and its inhabitants alone for all eternity or I swear I will burn you through hell and back." Her chest heaved with fury sent from the depths of the death god's residence.

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