Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
I don't think I have been this nervous since that one time I asked my crush out Freshmen year. Brad, the guy from before, said that even though he thought I should have the job it was ultimately his brother's decision. Toady I would be meeting him. I still didn't even know who he was. I hope I would get the job, this would show how ready I was to be an official actress.

I pushed the spinning glass door of the hotel open has I looked around for Brad. I stepped farther into the lobby , my eyes scanning nervously. Was this all just a joke? Did I just get played? Maybe Mr. Ochre was right, I don't have what it takes.

"Ms. Ava?"

I turned my attention to a young boy a few feet to the side of me. He looked like he was maybe three years younger than me. His light brown hair hung loosely out of his bellhop cap. His uniform was a shade of dark green that was just the right amount to make his eyes' color pop out noticeably.

"Would you come with me, your room is this way?"
I nodded.

The hotel's decor was pristine. I still didn't understand why I was meeting Brad's brother here. But, by the way things are right now , I couldn't complain. I needed this, it was the only call back I've gotten. I was close to getting the role. If you could even call it that.

"So, how old are you?"
"Fifteen, almost sixteen." , He smiled.
"So I was right. How'd you land this job? I definitely wasn't able to get a job like this when I was your age. I bet the pay is to die for. "
He laughed , " Actually my aunt works here. So, it was kind of easy. You're right though the pay is amazing! Well if I don't get in trouble that is. "

Now, it was my turn to laugh. This kid was funny. Wait, can I even call him a kid? He was only three-ish years younger than me. This stress is making me feel old. They weren't kidding when they said ,"enjoy it while it lasted. " Hopefully things would look up with this final audition.

"Well, this is you. "
"Michael. "
"Thanks Michael. ", I smiled.

Taking the pass key Michael had given me I slid it into the lock and opened the door. Inside was just has amazing as the hallways and lobby of the hotel. Beside the door I noticed a pair of men's shoes. Maybe Michael got my room number mixed up. I was just about to turn and leave when I heard my name being called. It sounded like Brad.

Cautiously I moved has silent as I could toward the interior of the room. I was relieved to see that it was in fact Brad ,who sat on a couch where I supposed was the "living area". Brad was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath. I've never seen him dressed so formally. Was he going somewhere after briefing me on my role for the day?

"Are you going somewhere ?"
"Yeah, I am and you're coming with me. "
"What!? Brad I'm not dressed for an event that would cause you to wear a suit!"
"I've already got that covered. Come with me. "

Brad lead me into what looked like one of the many rooms in 537. When I stepped in I gave out a loud gasp. The bed was humongous! I mean it wasn't just big , but huge. Brad's brother must be loaded. That would make this role have even more expectations. I would have to stay focused.

" Why do girls always make such a big deal about beds? They're not that great. ", he scoffed.
I shook my head," Actually I don't know. "
"Exactly. Anyway, put this on we don't have that much time. The event already started a hour ago. "
"What!? Then why didn't you tell me to come here earlier?"
He shrugged, " You needed to make an entrance. "

A knock could be heard from the front door.

"I'll get that. You do what ever it is you girls do. "

I laughed, " Yeah, I'll do that."

The dress in front of me was a creamy champagne color with sparkling details. I bet that it was real too basing it off how much this room must cost. Thinking of that made me nervous again , it meant my acting would have to be just has real as my own life.

"Turns out he already hired someone to do 'the girl thing'. ", Brad shouted had he walked in.
"Wait, you haven't even put the dress on !"
" You're not supposed to put it on until your hair and make up is done. ", The red haired lady told him.
I nodded," Has you can see I don't have anything to work with. "

Brad rolled his eyes , "I'll leave you two to it. "

I looked at the red haired lady in front of me. If anything I knew I could trust her with my makeup, hers looked like a professional did it. Well, I guess she must be if he hired her specifically. What would tonight lead to? The red haired lady shook her head and walked into what I'm guessing was the bathroom.

"So this must be important if he hired you. "
"Yeah, kind of. I'm a long term employee of his. My team takes care of him for events he attends. "
"I'm Ava by the way. ", I reached out my hand for her to shake.
She took it," Sara. Okay ,now grab one of the seats from the closet and we can get started. "

Can I just say ,that whoever this guy is he must be a big deal. I mean come on he has a whole team to take care of him, his whole room is the size of a small house, and here I was auditioning to be his fake-girlfriend. The pressure just kept rising. I was almost to the point of wanting to back out. But, I needed this.

"I'm here! You can thank me later!", a man shouted has he slide into the bathroom.

Please tell me that's not him.

Sara shook her head,"Good timing. I'm done. "
"Oo. You know if you get tired of him I'm always available.", he winked.
Sara slapped his head," Ignore him. "
" I was just saying!", he flinched has Sara hit him again.
"This is Phillip my hair stylist. "
"Ava. "
"Oo. Even your name is pretty!" , I laughed.
" Just do her hair. ", Sara sighed.
" Watch Ava I'm about to make your hair just has beautiful has you!"

Phillip was the most energetic person I've met in my life. I even asked if he was always like this and Sara said that ," unfortunately he's always like this. "I didn't mind it though. He was actually a good distraction. I could feel myself relaxing.

" There, I'm done!"



Do you remember what it was like the first time you asked out your freshmen crush?

Isn't Michael so cute !?

How would you feel if this was happening to you? Would you do it?

Phillip or Sara?

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