Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
" I still can't believe what a good job they did. ", Brad said flabbergasted has we walked to the event that was being held inside the hotel.
"Thanks.", I laughed.
"Hey.", he raised his hands," I didn't mean anything by it. "
"I know!", I laughed has he put his hand on my lower back, guiding me.

We were still laughing has the doors were opened and lights flashed in our eyes. I was disoriented at first until Brad guided me away, his hand still on my lower back. But, they still followed us. Brad sighed, bringing me closer and putting my hand on his arm. I smiled at him. Surprisingly Brad was quit a gentlemen.

"Brad! Who is this!?"
"Brad! Is this your latest scandal!?"
"Scandal? I'm anything ,but a scandal.", I told them.

Brad brought me closer. It seemed like he was scared something might happen. But, wasn't he used to this, the flashes didn't bother him? It looked like it was the norm for him. They were even asking him personal questions.

"Brad! If she's not a scandal then what is she!?"
"Please Brad ! We'd like a comment!"
"Brad! Is this your new girlfriend!?"
"Brad! Is it serious!? Will we be seeing her again!?"

Brad let out a breath , about to answer when a man came up to us placing my hand on his arm. I looked at Brad for conformation and he nodded. I stepped closer wrapping both of my arms around his. A smile crept on my face until I remembered that the cameras were still flashing , bombarding us with questions. This was it. It was show time. I had to give it everything I've got.

"Landon! Landon! Can you elaborate on this!?"
"No comment. " , He said solemnly.

We both looked at Brad, me with a worried but scared face and him with a more serious one. I can't deny that I was intimidated by Landon. He was serious , the total opposite of Brad. How would I be able to pull this off? I can do this. I have to prove Mr.Ochre wrong.

After giving myself a quick pep talk I returned to reality and tightened my hold on Landon. I will pull this off. There would be no backing out. I'm an actress it's my job to slip into someone else's life. I just have to get into character.

"Come on."

Both Brad and I nodded.


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