Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Surprisingly it was Landon who took the lead this time. He was quick to hold my hand and bring me close when he saw a 'hiding' paparazzi. It kind of made me think that he might have tried to do this before. I wonder why it didn't work out. I would make it work though,this was the start of my acting career.

"Want to go get some ice cream?"
I smiled, "Definitely!"

I scooped some of the vanilla ice cream into my mouth has I saw a 'hiding' paparazzi. I smiled up at Landon and he did the same. Grabbing his arm I lead him further into the crowd. Hopefully the paparazzi were getting some good shots. We had done everything we could think of to give them the hint.

"Come on. There's a showing in thirty minutes. "

I nodded.

The show was fantastic and exciting, but I still found myself tired has we were walking out. Checking my phone I saw that it was already eleven and we had been here for three hours. So far I hadn't seen any paparazzi , but it was always good to look the part. So I leaned heavily on Landon , letting out a sigh. He accepted my warning and wrapped his arm around me, which somehow I didn't mind.

"Yeah .", I yawned.
"Here. "

Landon took off his jacket and put it on me , making sure it covered everything .

Turns out Brad isn't the only Allen brother who was a gentleman.

"Landon! Landon!"
"Could this be an affair!?"
"How could you do this!?"

Landon sighed pulling me away from them. I didn't understand why he didn't take the chance to tell them about 'us' , but I didn't say anything has we got into his car. After seeing all the cameras flashing at us and the paparazzi asking us questions Landon looked more tired then me.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why?"

We placed our shoes by the door.

"You seem down. "
"It's gets tiring sometimes. It's not normal, people constantly picking at every detail of your life. "
"Well, I don't know where you've been , but that happens all the time. Maybe not has extreme , but it still happens. Take high school for example." , I shrugged.

We both took out a bowl for our cereals.

"Speaking of, how old are you? You don't look that old. I forgot to ask Brad about it."
"It's been two days and you're just know asking!?"
"Well , yeah."
"I'm eighteen. I just graduated a few months ago. "
"That's not too bad. You think they'll care about our four year age diffrence?"
"You're twenty two!"
"See I'm not the only one.", he stated, stirring his cereal before taking another bite.

I laid in bed that night thinking about how Landon acted after seeing the cameras flashing in our faces. Both of The Allen Brothers had similar reactions , but Landon's was different somehow. We could have told them then and there about our 'relationship'. Why was he hesitating? Was he thinking about backing out?



What do you think about his reaction?


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