Part 5

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Part 5

I cursed at the monster who tried to wake me up. It was pure evil whenever somebody tried to force me to wake up. Why couldn't they just let me get some peace?

"Bri, wake up. It's almost 9:00 a.m. you need to apologize to Dash. Come on, wake up, I don't want him torturing you." Tracey's voice made me curse the world's existence as she shook me awake.

"Let me sleep. And you know I am not apologizing to him. So leave me alone," I grumbled, not bothering to open my eyes.

"That is not the only reason I'm telling you to wake up. Parents are downstairs, a few of them are planning to get their children out of Burswick," she replied.

My eyes popped open and I jolted up in surprise. "What? Is my dad here? Are your parents here?"

"No, your father is not here; and I talked to my parents an hour ago. I told them everything is fine so they don't have to come here. But yeah, parents are wary of their children studying here because of what happened to Janice," Tracey answered.

I was not going to lie, I was disappointed to know that my father once again refused to give me any importance. But I was glad Tracey was with me. Hopefully my father cared enough to call me in order to check on me.

"So, will the Headmaster close down the school?" It would suck eggs if Burswick was shut down; I loved studying here, it was a great school.

Tracey shook her head. "No, I don't think so. He is even trying to convince the parents to let their kids stay."

"This is bad. We should go have breakfast and then we can try and figure out who killed Janice. We need a list of suspects," I stated.

"Yes, we can do that, or you can go and apologize to Dash. I don't want you to go through the ten semesters. God knows what he will do to you," she suggested.

"I told you before, I am not going to apologize to him. He should be the one apologizing to me. So he can take his threats and shove them up his nose. I have more important things to deal with, like trying to find out who killed Janice so we can solve her murder and I can go back to studying. My father will be furious if he finds out I'm neglecting my studies," I uttered, running a hand through my hair, wincing slightly when I accidently touched my pimple.

Stupid pimple, I hate you so much!

"God, you worry way too much about your studies," Tracey complained, flopping down on her bed.

"You know why I do. My dad will kill me if I get bad grades," I replied, hating that my father wasn't cool like other parents and let me relax when it came to academics.

"You take his threats way too seriously. My parents threaten to disown me as well, but I know they are kidding." Tracey rolled her eyes.

I was just about to retort when a knock on the door stole our attention. Tracey gave me a puzzled look, no doubt thinking the same thing as me: who could be here at this time? She got up from her bed and walked towards the door to open it.

"Who is it?" Tracey asked.

"It's me Dash, open up. I am ready to hear my apology." Came a deep, faimilar voice that no doubt belonged to my tormenter.

Tracey shot me a look full of terror and I motioned with my hands that I was sleeping. Then I flopped back down and pulled the covers over my head, pretending to sleep.

"Brielle is sleeping, Dash, why don't you come back later," Tracey said.

"Bullshit! I know she is not sleeping. Open the door before I kick it open," he threatened. Jeez, violent much!

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