Part 21

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Part 21

It was here. The dreaded day was here. I did not want to go. Heck, I even told Dash I didn't want to go, but he wouldn't budge. He wanted me to meet his father and he was not going to rest until I met him. Because of this, he hadn't left my side these past few days. Even when I went to the bathroom, he waited outside for me. It was safe to say that I wanted to kill him for shadowing me around.

"What are you going to wear?" Tracey asked me as I stared at my closet, eyeing my jeans and shirts.

"Can I just die?" I responded as I gazed at my closet with little to no hope. There was no way I was impressing Dash's father in jeans and shirt. I was doomed and it would all be Dash's fault.

"Oh come on, it's so romantic. He is taking you to meet his folks, I think it's a pretty big deal. Guys don't usually do this unless they are seriously interested in you," Tracey said, coming to stand beside me.

"This is not normal, Trace. What he's doing is not normal—it's too extreme. He is going way too fast for my liking. And the worst part is, he doesn't care that I'm freaking out," I ranted.

"Relax. Dash is serious about you, that's why he is taking such a big step in your relationship. You should be excited," she stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me how I should feel. I'm freaking out because I'm going to meet my boyfriend's dad and you are telling me not to worry. What kind of a friend are you?!"

"Hey! I'm just trying to cheer you up," she grumbled.

"Well you're doing a terrible job of it," I snapped, trying to ignore my pounding heart.

"Wow, you're a bitch when you're nervous," she complained.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it. I have nothing to wear. Dash is going to be here in half an hour and I'm pretty sure he already has a guard stationed outside our door in case I try to run away. So I'm trapped and I have nothing to wear. His father is going to hate me." I nearly shouted.

"His father is not going to hate you, Bri. You are an amazing girl. I'm sure he will like you; mainly because you've managed to sink your claws in his son." My best friend grinned at me, as if we were conspiring against Dash.

"Won't that be a reason for hating me? He might think I'm controlling his son." Oh God, why couldn't the ground just open up and swallow me whole like in that movie Drag Me To Hell?

"Of course not, silly!" Tracey swatted my arm. "Think about it, you are the reason why Dash is behaving himself."

"Behaving himself? He still goes around making everybody's life miserable. Two days ago he made Amy cry because apparently her cheerleading skills didn't cheer him up. I mean, who does that?!" I had a crazy boyfriend and there was no way I could change him.

Tracey rolled her eyes. Why couldn't she understand that I was nervous? It was not everyday your boyfriend took you to meet his parents. And Dash acted as if it was a normal occurance for him to spring such crazy plans on me.

"That's different. Dash is different around you. He has told everyone in the football team to keep their eyes off of you, or else he would punch them until they were permanently blind." She told me.

"My boyfriend is a barbarian. Thanks, that is all I needed! I feel so much better now." I bit out sarcastically.

"Bri, you just don't understand my point. Dash taking you to meet his parents is a good thing. It means he is not playing around," she repeated. I understood what she was trying to say but right now I had bigger things to worry about. It was not Tracey that was going to meet her boyfriend's father. No, it was me. I had to stand in front of Dash's father and try to make him like me.

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