Part 38

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Part 38

Even though Dash and I had reconciled for the most part, there were still a few things nagging my mind and I really wanted to discuss them with him. I needed answers to my questions before I could start fresh with him.

One of the things that was constantly weighing on my mind was the fact that did Ben know that Lauren killed Janice? I mean, Dash and him were best friends which meant that Ben should know who was responsible for the death of his girlfriend. I decided to confront Dash about this the next time I saw him, which would be in less than an hour as we had our first class together.

"So, are you and Dash back together? Like together, together?" Tracey asked as she brushed her hair.

"I think so. I mean, we talked things out and I decided to give him a second chance. So, I guess we are back together," I answered, as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, hoping that my face was not marred by the presence of an ugly pimple. The Winter Formal was day after tomorrow and I did not want to go with a pimple as a chaperone!

"So...does that mean you are happy with him?" She questioned, gathering her hair to form a ponytail.

"There are still a few things we need to work on. But for the most part...yes, I guess I am happy with him." I paused, letting my words sink in. "Tracey, I like Dash, a lot. He...he is my first boyfriend and I don't think I will ever be able to forget him. Is that normal?"

"Even an idiot knows that you can never forget your first love," she said.

"Love?" Did I love Dash? I wanted to slap myself after that question. Of course I loved him, it was obvious. My feelings for Dash were strong and permanent, by the looks of it, which meant that I did love him.

"You do love him, right?" Tracey arched an eyebrow, which I could see clearly through the mirror.

"Of course I do. I love his blue eyes. I love when he smiles at me. And I really love his kisses." I nodded. "So yes, I do love him."

Tracey shrugged, as if me falling in love with the trouble maker of Burswick Academy was something that happened on a regular basis. "Well then there you go."

"Yeah, I guess." I smiled as I thought about Dash and the fact that I loved him.

"And I know that he loves you, too. I mean, the guy who can have any girl he wants chose to be with you despite everything that happened says a lot," she replied.

In that moment I wanted to tell my best friend everything that led to Dash and I breaking up. But Dash had told me to keep it a secret and I had no choice but to comply with this wishes, because we needed to protect Lauren. And I needed to be friends with Lauren. She was all alone in this cruel world only because she was different. It wasn't her fault that she was born with an illness, so why did people blame her?

"Thanks Tracey. I'm glad you think so." I told her, glancing at the clock to see how much longer I had to wait before I saw Dash.

"But, I just want you to know that I don't trust Dash and will forever be suspicious of him. You have my approval regarding him but I will keep an eye on the both of you—especially him—to make sure that you both are happy. If he dares to hurt you a second time then I will chop him into tiny pieces and have the academy chef serve him for dinner," she stated just as there was a knock on the door.

I rolled my eyes at her before heading over to open the door. "I'll get it." I opened the door to see Dash standing with a box of chocolates in his hands. My jaw dropped when I ran my eyes over him; this was the first time I'd seen him dressed properly in the school uniform. His shirt was buttoned and tucked neatly in his pants, and his tie was in the most perfect of knots. His hair was styled and not looked like he'd run his fingers through it a billion times.

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