DragonInk Entries

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A/N: Hello reader! I see you've stumbled upon my collection of entries for a writing competition known as DragonInk. DragonInk was created by @_DragonHeart2407_, its a competition based off of the competition PotterInk, but instead of Harry Potter FanFiction, this competition is for FanFiction entries based off of the book series the Inheritance Cycle. The Inheritance Cycle consists of four books in this order: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and it concludes with Inheritance. The competition is in a time period after the events of Inheritance. I would not recommend reading my entries if you have not read the Inheritance Cycle. In this competition there are sixteen competitors, eight being 'human' and eight being 'elven.'
Every round we will receive a prompt and a due date. We are expected to write based off of the prompt and turn our entry in no later than one day after the due date.  Our writing will receive a number between 1 and 12, 12 being the best. An amount stated at the prompt reveal with the lowest scores will be sent into voting and another amount will be eliminated from the competition. A judges' pick will be selected each round, this person receives immunity for the next round, however, they must still  turn in their entry or their immunity is void.
I hope you enjoy reading my entries, and I hope to remain in the competition for some time so you have many entries to read! Below is my character for the competition as well.  Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass! ~RiderFirnen

My Character:

Name of Rider: Roslyn
Age: 207
Appearance Age: 17
Celebrity Look-a-like: Lily Collins
Hometown: Kirtan; Elven village in DuWeldenvarden
Physical Description: Tall and extremely lean. Long sorrel hair that reaches to the small of her back. Has grey eyes. Wears black leather gauntlets on her forearms with leggings, studded dragon claw belt, and a fitted leather jerkin.
Personality Traits: Very loving, but suffers from seasonal depression. Very low self-esteem, extremely loyal. Posses an extremely short temper. Violent.
Description of Weapon: Dark emerald green blade; name is Feahthum.
Species: Elf
Worst Fear: Never being loved.
Dragon Name: Gereth
Description of Dragon: Very short tempered. Extremely protective over Roslyn given her seasonal depression. He's emerald green and very large given Roslyn's age. Fastest flyer of his clutch.
Favorite Activity: For both rider and dragon, challenging other riders to races. Roslyn has a natural affection towards horses and loves to ride them.
Favorite Training Activity: Aerial combat for the pair; Roslyn enjoys swordsmanship.

The picture on the right is Gereth as a dragonet.

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