Round Four: To Anger an Elf

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A/N: Hello readers! Because of limited time, this entry will have quite a big time lapse towards the middle. This is due to me leaving for a mission trip with my church that lasts a week, so, I have a limited amount of time and unfortunately cannot add as much detail as I would like. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Prompt: Eragon has invited your character and its dragon to attend the final stage of your training, travelling to the Riders' island for the experienced Riders. Upon arriving on the island, your character encounters an elf who feels you have dishonored him or her. The elf challenges you to a duel in which you cannot refuse. You may take multiple characters with you on this journey, and may duel with one with permission. Good Luck!

Characters: Belle Liressdaughter(Nikkisha16), Lanalynn "Lana" Morningstar(bookworm12600), Lothiriel "Thiri"(32onedoesnotsimply), Verity(LydiaSparrow), Eran(Pennator), Adurnaë(Lauren19997), and Reona(LydiaGiVi).

Score: 10/12. I have immunity for this round.

Location: Ellesméra; Doru Areba; Oromis Isle, as featured in A Young Rider's Story.

My Entry:

Rain drummed on the pavilion roof, drowning out the sound of our silence. No one spoke, nothing was said. I hung my head low, as an endless torrent of tears clouded my eyes. Weeping accompanied the noise of the precipitation, the bodies around me were stiff and shrouded in misery.

I was laden in black; I sported black leggings, black moccasins, a black tunic and I even wore my hair pulled from my face, the way I despised it. I wore this gloomy clothing for this dreary occasion, I wore this ominous outfit for Glaedr.

Du Weldenvarden seemed to sense and embrace our misery, it wept with us. Elves, humans, all of the Rider's encompassed a stone slate covered by a golden tapestry. Immobile on the tapestry was the shattered Eldunarí of Glaedr, along with the Rider's sword of his companion, Oromis at his side. Glaedr had been placed with his pieces mended in their correct places, but space separated the pieces so the tragedy could be known.

We had wept for hours, some had retired to their dwellings after paying their respects, exhaustion and fatigue overcoming them from their sobbing.

I believed that no one in the pavilion was as distressed as Eragon, Arya, myself, Lothiriel and Lana. Eragon had flown from his solitude island established for the advanced Riders to attend this mournful occasion. He had paid his respects during the proper times, but once the spectators had become desolate, he had returned to mourn his teacher, never leaving the stone slab until more spectators arrived. The great Rider was so consumed by his grief I had begun to question his teaching methods despite of the things I had heard of him.

The mournful event would last another day, this day, and then Eragon would be departing, or so I had heard, back to the island. Arya had announced he would be taking a hand full of the trainees back to the island with him, which had excited some of the Riders which contradicted the mood of the dreary occasion.

I decided to depart, I was solemn, and reluctant, but I needed to get away from the sorrow which encased the pavilion. I shouldered my way out of the pavilion, careful not to disturb the thoughts of the mourning.

Outside of the pavilion I was greeted with the torrent of rain bearing down on my body. I trudged in the direction of the trees, hopeful to shield some of my body with the leaves.

The precipitation teased my hair, stray strands became frizzy and stood on end until finally the whole of my apparel was drenched. I felt the chill of the rain penetrating my skin, goosebumps rising over every crevice. I chose to ignore the sensation, feeling as if I deserved the way the weather decided to treat me; I had been unable to stop Glaedr's destruction, the guilt had been overbearing in the days after I had murdered the ghost-like creature that had stolen the Eldunarí.

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