Final Round: Blood Is Shed

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A/N: So both @Nikkisha16 and I neglected to turn in our final round entries, and because of this we went straight to voting, causing Niké to win and me to become Runner-Up. Congratulations! I'm so happy to have lost to such a great writer as you and cannot wait for the Ultimate DragonInk. As for you, my readers, here is the extremely rough draft of what I had written down so far. It is extremely bad haha. Thanks for those of you who supported me! Enjoy!

A/N: As is custom in A Young Rider's Story, a graduating Rider is presented with a specially crafted suit of armor with intricate white designs and the pigment of their dragon's scales. This shall be mentioned here in this entry. Also, be forewarned, there will be SPOILERS strewn throughout this entry pertaining to another FanFiction of mine: The Natives.

Prompt: A fellow Rider has died. A trainee like yourself. Along with yourself, other Riders accompany you to find and bring justice to the murderer. In your search, whether it was an accident, coincidence, or on purpose, you stumble upon an army. A Rider within the army claims he/she is the murderer. In this entry you must explain how the trainee died, why he/she was murdered, how the murderer became a Rider, and why they wished to kill your fellow trainee.

Characters: Belle Liressdaughter (Nikkisha16), Lothiriel "Thiri" (32onedoesnotsimply), Reona (LydiaGiVi), Eran (Pennator), Verity (LydiaSparrow), and Lanalynn "Lana" Morningstar (bookworm12600).

Score: Reserve Champion

Location: Oromis Isle; Unidentified Island

My Entry:

I coughed as I sat up against my pillow on the cot. Amathel smiled, the brunette nurse carried a blue porcelain pitcher of water and she had come to aid my parched throat.

"Open your mouth," she coaxed. "I'll pour some for you." I nodded and opened my mouth. A stream of chilled water poured from the spout of the pitcher. It dampened my lips and my mouth as the liquid poured down my throat. The water stream ceased for a moment. "Is that good enough?" I nodded, flashing a friendly smile at the fair nurse.

"Thank you, Amathel. That's good enough for now, I think I'll rest for a while longer." She flashed me a smile, and then the nurse left me to sleep. I rolled over on my cot as I coughed into my pillow. The cough was heavy and moist and it left a lingering pain in my chest. I was still recovering from my imprisonment. Although I had only been imprisoned for a day or two the effects of the drugs I was given still lingered in my blood. Whatever I ate became a battle to keep down and I suffered from flashes of a hot and cold.

My sorrel hair clung to my head with secretion from the small fever I was suffering from. I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep, hopeful I would be closer to recovering when I awoke.





"Hey, Lana!" I said, beckoning the blonde elf over to where I knelt. I knelt near a patch of thick growing thyme, an herb needed by the nurse, Amathel. Lana and I had been approached by the nurse the previous evening, she had asked if we could gather some herbs for her, we delightfully obliged. Amathel was pre-occupied tending to Roslyn, who was still ridden by the effects of her capture.

Amathel had mentioned that the herbs she had desired were much deeper in the forest than most trainees cared to venture, but Lana and I had shrugged off the danger and had trekked in only as deep as required.

Lana strode over to where I knelt as I glanced at her over my shoulder. "I found some thyme, I think after we gather this we can start heading back."

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