16 - Court of Roses

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Somehow I got away from the guys that next day

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Somehow I got away from the guys that next day. I think they knew something was distressing me, but I just played it off as Ronan's father being back in town. I made my way to Cedar-wood Park, glancing over my shoulder almost the entire way. I could feel someone's eyes on me, and would bet anything it had to do with my mother.

The Court of Roses was beautiful, absentmindedly breathtaking, and if it was any other reason for being there I'd spend forever just taking it all in. Instead, I forced myself to follow the path to the center, the entire time my fingers brushing over rose petals along the bushes.

I sat on a small stone bench as I waited, the wind whipping around me as a small storm began rolling in. I could see the dark clouds moving on the horizon, and smiled as I thought of my boys. God I missed them, even if it was only a few hours since I had seen them.

My eyes snapped up when I heard the ground move, two men in suits walking in first before Ronan's father followed, my mother not far behind him. I felt myself tense, an automatic response at seeing her, before I forced myself to look indifferent.

"Hello, it's nice to see you follow directions so well." His father purred out to me, my jaw clenching as I tried to not retort back to him. "I am Jonis Müller, but I'm sure you knew that."

I nodded curtly to him, my eyes flickering between the two suits and my mother. "Why am I here?"

He chuckled as he sat down, only three feet from me, but the wind carried his cheap cologne over to me. I wrinkled my nose as he snapped to one of the suits, the man stepping forward to produce a suitcase. Jonis unclipped the latched, reaching into it and pulling out a photo before handing it to me.

Ronan stood with his arms around a blonde bombshell, dark brown eyes and pouty lips. I felt jealousy shoot through me, before I shoved it down and looked back up to him. "What's this?"

"This is Ronan's fiancé." My eyes snapped back from the photo to him, wide and slightly panicked.


"He's been set to marry Giselle since they were twelve, before he left for the United States. That was part of our agreement for me letting him go, he was to marry who I wanted." I shook my head before shoving the photo back into his hands.

"This photo is recent though." Jonis smiled at me, nodding as he pulled out another parchment of paper.

"This was a single month ago, his signature and hers stating that the engagement will be null and in void if, and only if, they both agree to it. Giselle fell in love recently, but Ronan needs to stay in." I shook my head at him, my mind barely processing everything.

I knew Ronan a month ago, we were talking about living together, a month ago. When would he be able to get away and sign this? We were around one another almost constantly, why would he sign this?

"No, he wouldn't do this. I won't let him stay in." Jonis simply smirked and waved over at my mother, her hips swinging as she strolled over to him. She draped over his shoulder, her cold eyes biting into me as she grinned.

"We will ruin them." She purred to him, the smile within his face widening.

I uttered out a breath of disbelief, my body slumping. "What, you can't!?"

"Yes we will." Jonis grinned and pulled out a laptop from the briefcase now, opening it up and typing into it quickly. He turned it around and showed me green lettering across a black field, my eyes flickering over the words.

"I will take down that little restaurant Finch has, take down Cross industries, and even better, send them both to jail for money laundering." I shook my head at both of them, my eyes wide.

"They haven't –"

"Oh, I know. But it's very easy to plant any information, and I will send them to jail, and marry Ronan off back in Berlin." I squeezed my eyes shut before looking out at the rolling clouds, tears dripping down silently.

"What do I have to do?" I could hear the defeat in my voice as it quivered, my fists clenching in my lap.

Janice leaned in, her eyes gleaming as she grinned her too white teeth at me. "Leave, leave the state, the country, just leave, tonight."

I nodded as both of them smiled at me, confidence and the win clear in their eyes. "It's silently said, if you breathe a word of this, they will go down."

I watched them grin as stet stood and left, the suits following behind them silently. I hunched over as tears wracked me, my body barely functioning as the storm finally covered me and soaked me through my clothes. Who was I kidding, this was pathetic, I was pathetic.

I stayed their for so long, not quite able to stop my pity party. I finally pushed myself up, walking to my car silently. I was numb, both from the rain, and from all the information. I took my phone out from the bag in the passenger seat, sending messages to both to Finches restaurant and Cross industries.

I made emergencies to both of them, causing Theo to go to his company and Ronan and Finch to take care of a disgruntled customer at his restaurant. I sped home, tears dripping from my eyes the entire time until I slid into my parking spot.

I quickly went indoors and only took a few things, mainly their shirts, my underwear and bras, and a few of the notes they would leave me. Little drawings Finch would slide to me, doodles Theo attempted and little bits Ronan would write me.

I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, tears dripping and falling as I wrote across the parchment. Bits of ink smeared as they continued to fall, a son wracking through me as I stood and left it on the fridge.

I left the house in a whirlwind, the storm hanging overhead as the rain poured and the thunder boomed. I loved them, but I had to leave them. We were some stupid cliche story that poisoned us all, some stupid story that wasn't destined to happen. Our red lines of fate crossed at the wrong time, and whether they would cross again or not i wasn't sure. I could only hope they would.



I love you, all three of you, a ridiculous amount. It's stupid really, to believe this would work, but in order to save you, to protect you, I must leave. I can only hope you don't hate me for this, but I must. Monsters left my closet and decided to make themselves known, decided they would attack my loves.

Ronan, I know of Giselle. I don't blame you for signing your contract, albeit a little hurt. I love you my strong protector, my grizzly bear. Forever yours.

Finch, my sweet sweet love. I will need you when my panic attacks decide to make themselves known, when my nightmares become real and I am all alone. I love you, so much, my little bird. Forever yours.

Theo, the leader of us. Your guiding light, god do I need it more than anything now. You met me first, intrigued me first, and worked into my stony exterior first. I love you, my fearless leader. Forever yours.

Remember us, remember me, find me one day.


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