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I found myself in an airport at two am, my hand tightly grasping my ticket and passport

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I found myself in an airport at two am, my hand tightly grasping my ticket and passport. I didn't have much, only a simple carry on with the boys clothes and my wallet. I stopped by the bank and made sure I had money in a completely separate account, and hacked through to set up enough of a fire wall it'll slow Theo down considerably just in case he tries to hack through it.

I could feel my body growing even more numb than before, which I didn't think was possible. My flight was called shortly after, my body moving on auto pilot throughout the entire boarding. I sat on the plain staring out, my silver eyes watching the world pass by as it starting moving.

Faster, faster, faster until it took off. Problem was, I think I left my heart back in that two story.

Theo's POV

I rolled my eyes as the worker in front of me continued talking, a stout man that honestly had no idea of anything he was saying. All I wanted to do was go back home and pull Willow into my arms, my sweet girl. She was so distracted last night, but all three of us chalked it up over the fact it was her last show.

Tonight, tonight I'm pulling out the stops. I want to kiss her, move our relationship along.

I stopped on my way home and picked up a bouquet of daisies mixed in with lilies, one of her favorites, before making my way home. I pulled in just as Finch and Ronan entered the home, a smile tugging at me even more.

My family was here.

I opened the door just as a loud shagger sounded from the kitchen parried with a strangled sob, my feet moving as I clutched the bouquet in my hand. I slid into the room and saw Finch huddled onto the ground while Ronan stood, clutching a piece of paper with shattered glass all around him.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I crossed the room and ripped the piece of paper from Ronan, my eyes sliding from each word as I felt my heart shatter.

Who is she protecting us from?

I looked up when the sound of skin upon skin sounded, and I found Finch standing over Ronan, who was now on the ground with a red eye. It was already beginning to swell while Finch stood seething, his fists clenched at his sides while his hair stood out.

"Who the fuck is Giselle?!" Ronan shook his head before meeting me eye for eye, his blue ones panicked.

"She's the fucking girl my dad forced me into an arranged marriage with. We were going to end it, we had a contract to where if we both had someone else it would be null in void. It's the only way I could leave Germany, I don't, I just don't understand." I wasn't mad, well, mad at Ronan, his father was an entirely different story.

I groaned as I shook my head and ran up the stairs, grabbing my work laptop before bounding back into the kitchen. I ripped it open as I sat at the bar, typing quickly to check her bank. I found a separate account under her name, with firewalls surrounding it on every side. I began hacking through the center, but ran into a virus that imbedded itself into my software.

I shook my head and looked at the two of them. "Begin packing, I'm trying to figure out where she's going but we're finding where she went and going after her."

I watched as both of them began upstairs, Ronan's eye looking worse for wear. I started to hack through the virus, thanking the lord for the software I had set up to fight against it. It took me close to half an hour, enough time for Ronan and Finch to pack all of our things when I finally got into her bank account.

"She bought airplane tickets." I sighed as I shrugged the door and stood, grabbing all of my things and heading to the door. "Come on, the only way we can find out where she went is if we go there."

We all ran to my truck, my hands gripping the steering wheel as Ronan pulled out his phone. "Hello?"

I looked up when I heard him growl, his teeth gritted and his fist clenched. Finch turned in the passenger seat to look at him directly, his own hands clenched around his phone.

"You did what?!" He slammed the button on the side of the truck down, rolling the window down before chucking his phone into oncoming traffic.

"Ronan, what is it." I commanded him, his one open eye looking up to me.

"The marriage is still on, my dad had to have done something to Willow." He grit out, his jaw completely clenched.

I growled out myself, something I rarely did, before pushing the gas pedal even more. I was so tired of parents, so tired of not having my girl.

As soon as we get her back, her ass is going to be so fucking red.

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