Mr. Diesel

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"What's the favor?" I asked questionably.
"Would you mind going to detention for me? Like I said I would love to ditch it. You could go to detention for me and I'll go to your- what's your first and second class?" He asked.
"Mrs. Darkenswab and Mr. Krump." I said. "Ok well can you please do this for me later I wanna go out with my boys and oh yah right I have detention at night too." Ok now I was getting confused. One is enough but DO 2 DETENTIONS IN A DAY? I DONT KNOW WHO HE THINK HE IS BUT NO IM NOT DOING THAT. But he is Dylan Adams and we could hook up sometime if I do this.
Even though I know he is using me but what if after he doesn't and he asks me to be his- ok quick reminder to myself don't think about it just do it."OKAY." I blurted like a idiot. I have a question. What is wrong with me?!?!?
"Ok thanks oh I have to warn you about Mr Diesel the detention monitor, I have some beef with that dude and he doesn't let you do anything at all I don't think you can even breathe or blink." He said. "Umm on second thought maybe I don't wanna do this." I said. " Oh." He said looking down." When you said yes I thought we were becoming a thing but I guess not." He said. Then he walked away to find Mackenzie.
I tried to stop him but Conner ran into me. "Hola Kenzie!" He said. "Oh hey Conner." I said trying to wipe away tears . "What's wrong?" He asked. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was cute but I liked Dylan."Excuse me Conner I have to get to detention."I said. " WHAT!" He screamed. " YOU IN DETENTION THE WHAT!?!?!" He screamed. "Yeah I know surprising." I said.
"What did you do?" He said. " I umm I...I threw threw my bookbag at a woman." I said.
"You did?" He asked seriously.
"Umm yah I have to go or I'll be late." I said when I saw Dylan heading to the detention room. " Ok bye Kenzie see you in Spanish." He said while I ran down the hall chasing Dylan.
"DYLAN DYLAN HOLD UP!" I ran screaming. He turned around and saw me. " What do you want." He said rudely. " I'LL DO IT FOR YOU ILL GO TO DETENTION!" I screamed. " Will you deal with Mr. Diesel?"He asked.
"Yes I said I will." I said without thinking. "Ok thank you... oh and I like your outfit today, it's cute." He said.
"Thanks!" I said gushing. "Well you better hurry or you'll be late." He said
"Ok." I said and hurried off. Yay finally he'll love me if I do this maybe or maybe not I don't know I have mixed feelings right now. I mean come on people Mr. Diesel  can't be that bad. I have seen him around the halls and he has said very friendly hello's. I think Dylan says that because he is a bad boy. But I'm a GOOD GIRL. Mackenzie probably will be sooo jealous when she sees me and Dylan together. It'll mean I pick on her and my best friends won't want to smack me anymore when I run in the bathroom. Not like they do. ( I think)Never know maybe I'll give Dylan a good reputation.
I went on my way and guess who I ran into. Brent it had to really be him. "Thanks for waking me up." He said grumpily. " It's not my job I have to wake you up." I said. " It kinda is mom told you too." He said.
"I have to go." I said. " Where?" He asked. " You should already be in Mrs. Darkenswabs class." She told me to run a errand." I lied." Bye Felicia." He said. I hope you do your worst in class". He snickered away. He gets on my nerves. Well I better get to Mr. Diesel.
I don't want to be late for detention.

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