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When Brent came back downstairs we got started. But first I had to say something. You probably already know what it is.
" Guys." I said getting their attention. " What?" Chloe said. " We wanna get started. " You know how I got detention today?" I said.
"No." said Chloe and Liza. "Yah." said Conner,Ryan and Brent " It was because of Dylan he said he would hook up with me if I did and apparently I got in trouble at detention and I have a two day suspension but it's ok because mom isn't even mad." I said.
Chloe and Liza looked at me with a surprised face and got up and left. I ran after them." Chloe, Liza?" I asked. I finally found them outside getting ready to get in their car. " Hold on!" I said. " NO!" They both said. " YOU LIED TO US AND FIRST OF ALL YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL US!" Liza screamed. "I know I know at least I told you now but come in let's just go play spin the bottle." I said. " Fine we will but we aren't speaking to you." Chloe said. They locked their door and walked right past me and went into the house.
HOW RUDE!!!!! I followed them downstairs and Conner and Ryan looked at me with disappointment. We all sat down and I volunteered to go first. " Ok let's see." I said spinning. It landed on Ryan. "I don't wanna kiss Miss Liar." He said getting up. " Let's go play video games at my house." He said to Conner. "Brent wanna join?" Conner asked. " Sure." He said leaving with them. " Thanks you also lost our chance to kiss our crushes!" Liza said.
"Let's go Chloe." Liza said helping her up off the ground. They just left me there. I told them the truth at least. I didn't mean to make them mad. " I'm just stupid." I said under my breath.
" No your not." Mom said entering the room. "I saw everyone leave what happened? " I told them about my suspension." I said with tears in my eyes.
"Honey you did the right thing if they left you like that it's on them." She said. I could tell she was about to cry too." How about we go and watch a movie there is still some leftover popcorn and cotton candy." She said.
" Ok." I said bursting into tears. She put my head to her heart and squeezed me tight. " It's ok." She said. " Come when you are ready. I went upstairs after she left anyways tho. After the movie I went upstairs and put my Pjs on. I got out my clothes for tomorrow and climbed in the bed. I never heard Brent come in the room last night so I guess he asked mom if he could spend the night. I planned to apologize as soon as I saw Chloe, Liza, Conner and Ryan tomorrow.

"Guys!" I ran up to Chloe and Liza. "What?" They spun around, glaring.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. I just...I just was scared of my mom at first and never thought about talking to you," I gulped. "And Dylan broke into my house-."
"Wait what?!" Liza screamed. "He what?" "Yeah," I said. "Mackenzie made him do it. I'm over him now." "At least you're okay," Chloe said. "I thought he shot you or something. After all you did for him." "So you're not mad anymore?" I asked them.
"No it was dumb for us to get mad," Liza said. "Just remember to tell us everything from now on." "Okay!" We all group hugged.
I then ran to find Conner and Ryan and they were by the bathroom talking.
"Conner, Ryan!" I yelled. "What Kenzie?" Ryan asked."I'm sorry I wasn't specific on my detention and I'll never do it again. I like you guys, no love you and I need to stop trying to be other people."
"It's ok," Conner said. "But next time Dylan messes with you its going to be me and him."
Conner gently kissed me on the cheek.
I'm definitely not telling Liza about that. You're probably thinking didn't you just say you promise to tell her everything? She'd rather not hear this one anyways.
"Oh stop!" I blushed.
"Conner you couldn't even fight a toddler," Ryan laughed. "But yeah he can catch these hands."
"Thank you guys," I smiled. "You truly are the best."
"We know!" They both hugged me and walked off.
And after that day I had a nice feeling inside my stomach. Like I did something right for once.

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