Death of Kenzie

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As I got to the detention room I saw so many of the bad kids in our school.
" WOW!" I thought. I took a seat and Mr. Diesel did role call. Of course Dylan was first because his last name started with a A."Dylan Adams?" He said with a booming voice. He usually has a happy voice."Here!" I said.
" KENZIE RIVERA!?!?!" He shouted. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!?!?!? " I am filling in for Dylan." I said. " Why would you do that?" he asked. " Umm it's a nice thing to do." I said." Umm ok." He said and went on with role calling. I sat there quietly. Mr. Diesel sat at his desk drinking some fruit punch and reading a newspaper. " Can I read?" I asked.
" No." he said without looking up from his newspaper. " No talking, no reading, no nothing you sit here in silence. " But why!" I said. " This is a punishment Kenzie and I suggest you shut your mouth and be quiet or there will be a problem young lady!" He said.
I looked surprised. Mr. Diesel never is mean to me or rude. I put my face in my hand. I looked around the room and I saw Ryan. " RYAN!" I screamed across the room. " Miss Kenzie you don't yell across my room this is your last warning I am serious!" He shouted.
Ryan looked at me and whispered-" The heck??!?" I just shrugged. I don't know why I screamed his name. I was surprised he was in here. A few minutes later I took a file out my purse and started filing my nails but Mr. Diesel glared at me. 30 minutes later I took out my journal and started drawing but he glared at me again and a few people looked at me including Ryan.
I could see they knew it was my first time in detention. 10 minutes later I couldn't take it anymore." OMG THIS IS TAKING FOREVER ITS BEEN LIKE 300 HOURS IM FEEL LIKE IM GONNA DIE!!!!!" I screamed. Omg i don't know what i was thinking!!!!! Mr. Diesel got up walked over to the desk I was sitting at and told me to get up and get my things. At that point I knew I was in trouble!
Mr. Diesel took me out the room and he took me to the front office. Before we went in he put me up against the glass and screamed at me. " I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE MISS KENZIE BUT WHAT YOU WERE DOING IN MY ROOM WAS NONSENSE!!!!!" He screamed. "Who do you think we are touching me! I said sorry!" I said bursting into tears." SORRY IS NOT GONNA CUT IT MISS KENZIE DETENTION ISNT THAT BAD BUT TO MAKE YOU SAY YOU WANT TO DIE IS NONSENSE!!!" He said nonsense alot and he standed there yelling at for like a hour and you bet there was tears in my eye.
Finally he took me into the office and said I need to speak with Miss. Carson. We sat there in the chairs in the office and waited then the principal finally came out and took me and Mr. Diesel in her office. Mr. Diesel whispered to her while I took a sit. They talked for a while then he left. " So I hear that you blurted out in detention." Miss Carson said. I wasn't scared of her because she was a really nice principal. "YeahI did only because it was boring." I said. That's when she started yelling. " YOU KNOW DETENTION IS NOT FOR PLAYING ITS A PUNISHMENT WHEN YOU DO SOMETHING BAD AND WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO BAD!?!?" She screamed furiously. "Sorry for my tone of voice but seriously what did you do to get in detention anyways? She said.
" I covered for Dylan Adams and I thought he was joking about how Mr. Diesel is mean when it comes to detention but I didn't really believe him." I said really fast." Why did you do that for him?" She asked. I looked down at the floor there was no way I was telling her until she said- "Tell me now or else." ( ok what I said, just know was stupid)" Or else what." I said idiotically.
"Excuse me!" She shrieked.
" Sorry!" I said. "I don't know what that was and I did it because he..he." I said pausing. " He what?" She said. " He said we would hook up sometime." I said.
" Kenzie you really think that?" She asked me.
"Kinda." I said. " Well for what you did in detention and why you were in detention I have no choice but to suspend you for the rest of the two days of this week." She said sadly.
" WHAT NO I CANT I CANT MISS SCHOOL MISS CARSON!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. " I'm sorry" she said again. She took me out her office and told me to go get stuff I need from my locker and just head home. She thinks everything is AY-OK. WELL ITS NOT. I WONT HAVE A GOOD REPUTATION AFTER THIS AND ILL NEVER GET A JOB ALL THANKS TO DYLAN ADAMS! I WILL NEVER DO A FAVOR FOR HIM EVER AGAIN AND THANKS TO HIM ONE ILL CRY FOREVER AND EVER AND TWO MY MOMS GONNA KILL ME

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