Chapter 15

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🌸1 month later🌸

"I'm gonna miss her." Watari whispered

"I know." Tsubaki said, her eyes tearing up "We all will."

Kousei said nothing, his heart breaking into pieces

"You alright Kousei?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"What happened?" Tsubaki asked "When they called you, I mean."

"They told me she's gonna.. she's.. that she's gonna die." Kousei finished, his voice cracking

"Oh." Tsubaki said

"The funeral's this weekend." Kousei said

"I'll bring some cáneles. She loved those." Watari said sadly

Tsubaki glanced at Kousei "It'll be okay."

"I'm gonna miss her."

"Yeah, Watari's grandma was the best."


"The National Violinist competition is canceled due to weather." Yui informed her friend

"Yeah, well I was bound to miss it wasn't I?" Kaori replied a bit sadly "But there's always next time!"

"Look Kaori..." Yui started

"Yui." Kaori said flatly "Don't worry I'll be fine!" she said flashing her signature grin

"I know... I'm just worried. The doctors.. after the surgery... they said you'd have time. More time. A lot more than this."

"Yeah." Kaori said looking down "I thought I wasn't going to make it last time." she chuckled
"I even had a farewell letter to Kousei!"

"A what? To Kousei?" Yui asked "Details!"

"It was nothing." Kaori said defensively "Just confessing my feelings to him."

"Well just give him the letter now. It'll be way better than confessing in person."

"Well actually that letter was in sync with whatever was happening then. Me and Watari were still dating. Now we're not. So i'll have to change it."

"You're not dying." Yui said quickly "I'm not allowing it. You still owe me $5."

Kaori smiled a small smile "We'll see."

I was laughing so hard when I wrote the part about Watari's grandma 😂 I'll be updating a little more slowly because I still need to see ideas on Tsubaki and Watari's relationship. But it won't be too long :) Thanks for reading! 🌸

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