Chapter 21

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"All in order?"


Two days later

"Hey Tsubaki, Watari." Kaori greeted

"Hey Kaori. Guess what?" Tsubaki squealed

"What?" Kaori said, laughing at her face

"Me and Watari are a thing!"

"Wait really? That's great!" Kaori smiled

"Yeah, it kinda seems crazy, thinking I'd date a chick like her, but she really is great" Watari said smiling, scratching his head. Tsubaki pouted.

Kaori laughed "You two are perfect for each other. Both jocks!" she winked

"I'm not sure whether you could call Tsubaki here a jock. She's always missing the ball- ouch!" he dived out of the way as Tsubaki hit him

"Shut up!" she hissed with a demon face

"So, anyway, what's up with you and Kousei, huh? I know you two got something going." Watari said winking

Kaori laughed shakily "Funny you should ask. I guess Friend A isn't Friend A anymore."

They both looked at her in confusion and then surprise

"We're dating." Kaori replied to their faces, laughing.

"AHHHH!" Tsubaki squeaked

"I didn't think Kousei had it in him but I guess I was wrong." Watari laughed grinning

"So how did it all happen?" Tsubaki asked, eyes gleaming

"Well we kinda just confessed to each other. And then I made him buy me canelés." Kaori said smugly. They both laugh.

"And your tests?" Tsubaki asked

Kaori sighed "Not sure. The doc says I should be good to go in a few weeks, but I wouldn't bet on it. After all, Mozart didn't become a genius overnight." she smiled

"Yeah. But I'm betting on the doctor." Watari winked

"Well, I hope you're right." Kaori's laugh faded away

"When's the next one going to be?" Tsubaki asked

"Tomorrow." Kaori said looking down

"Look, I know it all sounds scary but you've been looking a lot better lately. I'm sure it'll all work out." Tsubaki said matter-of-factly

"Thank," she said "I do too."

Okay before y'all kill me I apologize for updating so late once again. enjoy! (P.S. Mardi Gras break is this week so I'll probably be updating later this week.) 💓💕

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