Double Crap

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"Isabella, where-," Tony starts.

"It's Belle," I cut him off glaring at the floor. The building shakes as thunder sounds nearby. Would it be too much to ask that it just collapse on us? That would be preferable to this.

"Where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you," he says the desperation in his voice almost sounding genuine. I feel Steve and Bruce paying close attention to this conversation that I have avoided my entire life. I hope it's a good show. I just block Tony out as he begins to ramble about how much he cares but something catches my attention and I feel my anger flare.

"I'm so sorr-"

"Don't you dare," I seethe finally meeting his eyes with a cold glare. "Don't you dare subject me to anything else especially lies." He runs a hand through his perfect hair. I bet if I make him frustrated enough the real him will shine through.

"I'm different now, I've chang-," he begins again.

"A pretty dress doesn't change the fact that a toad is a toad," I quote. "Pretty words don't either." He appears stunned staring at me. I can feel our audience's confusion but I don't feel like clarifying. I hate bringing those memories up and reliving them but I'm not going to lie and say I don't feel a little satisfied about throwing that one back in his face. I really did like that dress.

"Belle," Steve starts finally stepping forward. "Maybe take it down a notch." I turn my icy glare to him.

"Well, Captain, I'm only returning what I received." He stares at me. I hold his stare. This is not something I will back down on. He sighs and resumes his passive position with Bruce in the audience. Lightning flashes outside the windows. What are the odds of lightning coming through the roof to strike someone in this room? At this point I don't even care if that someone is me.

"So, you have powers?" Tony asks. I can tell he is truly very curious. It's probably killing him not knowing. I don't think I should put him out of his misery anytime soon. I just stare blankly at him. "Fine, we won't talk about your powers. What do you want to talk about?"

"Nothing at all, Tony," I state swinging my feet. I just want to escape, this building, this situation. I don't want to talk at all to any of them. Out of the corner of my eye I see him wince. Oh poor him, I'm not putting up with his crap or entertaining his egotistical personality.

Just like that we wait in silence as the rain finally dies down and stops. Finally when I can see rays of sunshine peeking through outside, we head out to their fancy tower. I'll still have to be careful with all the water around. I don't usually like to go outside after it has just rained.

Tony and Bruce walk ahead of me and Steve. Every once and awhile Tony will turn back and look at me like I'll run off. I've already tried that genius and it isn't a very bright idea against a super soldier. Carefully I dodge some dripping water as we near the tower.

"Why did you call Tony by his name instead of dad?" Steve asks out of nowhere. The question throws me off and suddenly I'm sucked into the past.

I ran down the stairs as fast as my small legs could take me, weaving through the people quickly taking advantage of my small stature. I knew I was supposed to stay in my room. That's what dad told me to do but people were in there. I spot him at the edge of the crowd talking to a woman. I run up to him.

"Dad!" I exclaimed when I finally reached him panting a little bit out of breath. The woman looked down at me with a mean expression before glancing at Dad and then walking away her shoes clacking loudly against the floor. I looked up to Dad to tell him the problem but stopped when I saw his expression. Why was he so mad?

"Never call me that again!" he seethed before downing his drink and walking away the opposite direction from the woman. I stood there frozen before what he said sinks in. I pushed my way through the crowd and end up headed downstairs wanting some peace and quiet. I curled up into the corner under the stairs and let myself cry. The tears poured down my face as I berated myself for always messing up. Why did I always do the wrong thing? Why doesn't he like me?

"Just cause," I reply once I'm able to pull myself out of the past. Before I know it we arrive at the tower which is even bigger in person. I though the warehouse was awkward but it doesn't even hold a candle to the elevator ride. You could definitely cut the tension with a knife. As we get off I breathe a sigh of relief. I follow the others into what appears to be a very large living room. Just as well all make it in a certain bird comes into the room from the opposite direction heading straight for us.

"Hey guys, why is she here?" he asks as he approaches the group.

"Did everyone know about my daughter before me?" Tony exclaims. Hawkeye glances at the man before doing a double take.

"Whoa, she's your daughter. Wait, you have a daughter?!" he exclaims. Tony just nods running his hand through his not so perfect hair again. I can help the chuckles that slip out. I'm use to that reaction. It was pretty common way back when.

"Well, I for one would love to stay and figure this family drama out but I have a mission. Don't expect me back for a while." Steve nods and bird boy heads to the elevator leaving all of us alone again. We all take a seat around the room. I sink into the edge seat of the oversized sectional. After a few seconds Bruce and Steve begin talking about unimportant things drawing responses from me and Tony sometimes. I can tell they are trying to get me to relax and speak my mind but I don't think they would like what I have to say. Honestly, I'm just looking for my chance to escape. When Tony gets up and heads to the kitchen I think I may have found it.

"Well, guys it's been not great, practically horrible so let's agree to never do this again. I'll just be on my wa-," I state getting up to leave. With my attention focused on Steve and Bruce I don't notice Tony come back into the room or the fact that he positioned himself right behind me. As I turn I bump into him spilling the overflowing cup of water all down the front of my shirt. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," Tony tries to apologize but I can see it in his eyes. He just couldn't take not knowing. It's too much to dry so I take off running as fast as I can. I round the corner of the hall when I feel the change take over. I crash onto the floor hard as my tail makes an appearance. I hear footsteps pounding down the hallway getting closer and closer. Just great. I hear the shocked gasps as they turn the corner and take in my new form. I sit up staring at the three men.

"Crap," I mutter.

"You-You-You're a fish?" Tony stammers out.

"You would think the genius would be able to identify a mermaid," I state wishing this was a nightmare I could wake up from. I take in the others reactions. Bruce seems to have switched to scientist mode and is currently contemplating how this is possible. Poor Steve looks like I might have just broken his brain.

I reach out my hand slowly closing my fist feeling the water molecules heating up before evaporating from my body. Soon enough I am back to two feet instead of one tail. Steve reaches a hand down to help me up. He seems to have recovered slightly.

"So your powers are tied to the fact that you are a mermaid?" Bruce asks. I nod not wanting to say anything else on the subject. I technically didn't tell them about a lot of my abilities. I am hoping they don't notice that but with my day-. Before I can even complete the thought I notice Steve's face. Crap. He is looking at me with a slightly angry but thoughtful expression. I think he noticed. 

"I think we need to talk."

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