Who the heck is SWG?

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Steve POV

I know she needs time alone but I have to make sure she's okay. Tony was a mess when I left the tower. He finally went into his lab and wouldn't let anyone else in. All we could hear was the blaring music coming from within the room. Bruce and I decided that he would be better suited to deal with Tony and I would be better suited to check on Belle. I just hope she doesn't run.

I turn the corner by the café when I see them. Dressed in all black with what looks like military grade gear, a normal person might assume they were a police or SWAT team but I know better. I quicken my pace when I realize they are coming from Belle's apartment. I sprint when I see a limp, brunette body being carried by them down the fire escape. Instantly I pull out my phone. It only takes one ring before he answers.

"What do you want, Steve?" Tony asks harshly. I brush it off. There are more important things.

"I'm outside Belle's apartment and I'm going to need backup. Someone's trying to take her," I explain as fast as possible. There is a pause.

"I'm on my way," Tony states. I don't think I've ever heard him be that serious before. I make it to the fire escape just as they reach the bottom. Quickly I do a survey. Ten guys all armed, one of which is carrying Belle.

"Hey fellows," I say drawing their attention. Immediately they tense looking at me. I can see the recognition in their eyes. "That girl isn't going anywhere with you so why don't you just put her down and leave? No one has to get hurt." They hesitate. I can see them thinking about their options. Suddenly one of them steps forward. I get a feeling of leadership from him. He dives at me throwing the first punch that I easily dodge. The others jump into motion as well following his lead. I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way.

I fight through them easily. They were trained but not very well. I glance around as I fight realizing I've lost sight of Belle. I hear a sound like a jet getting closer and immediately relax. Backup is here. I throw another punch watching the last guy fall to the ground. I look up and see Tony walking towards me in his iron man suit with Belle in his arms unconscious.

"Is she okay?" I ask meeting once he reaches me.

"I don't know. I think they gave her some sort of sedative but I'll need to get her back to the lab to make sure," he states. I hesitate before giving him the go ahead watching as he flies back to the tower holding her in his arms. I can't help but think that if she was conscious, she would really hate that. But it's necessary. He can get her back faster than I can and we don't know what they put in her system.

I dial Fury on my phone and wait for Shield to take these guys in. As I wait I take notice of a small logo in the top right breast of their vests, 'SWG'. What in the world is SWG? Maybe Shield will know. It doesn't take long before I'm headed back to the tower. Halfway there my phone starts ringing.

"Hey Bruce, how's Belle?" I ask immediately.

"She's fine. It was a generic sedative. She should wake up in a few hours with a nasty headache," he explains. I breathe a sigh of relief but the weight in my chest stays the same. Belle is in danger. Someone is after her. We need to keep her close in order to ensure she is protected and she is going to hate every minute of it.

Belle POV

Why is it so dark? Why is my body so heavy? These are the first thoughts that pop into my head. I feel like I'm asleep but not. What happened? I try to remember but come up blank. I remember Steve and Tony, unfortunately, and I remember heading back to my apartment but after that nothing.

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