Full Moon Panic

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Belle POV

The next week passes in the same fashion. I train everyday with the avengers. One new thing has been breakfast with Tony. I don't know how it started but every day we hang out and eat breakfast together. It's kind of nice. Plus he understands my need for caffeine.

Today was slightly different. Steve told me that I was working too hard so I was banned from training today. I ended up going out with Wanda. She had been wanting to go shopping and I had nothing else to do so we went to the mall. In other words, I couldn't come up with an excuse and was forced to go.

Pietro tagged along. He had been less weird this past week and had even joined in on the training sessions. He wasn't completely annoying, I guess. He told me to be prepared as we left the tower but I did not take him seriously.

I collapse onto the couch as soon as we get back. Wanda chuckles and brings the bags to our rooms. I would thank her but I am way too exhausted. Man, that girl can shop. Pietro laughs at me from across the room.

"I tried to warn you," he states smirking at me.

"Arrogance is not an attractive look for you." He steps closer his eyes heating a little.

"Are you sure?" he asks his voice slightly deeper and his accent more pronounced. No, I was not sure but hell if I was going to tell him that.


"You know it's not good to lie to yourself."

"I will literally freeze your junk." Right now it was looking like the best option.

"What passion!" he exclaims holding a hand over his heart. I am literally going to have to kill him.

"Do not test me, Speedy."

"How will you punish me if I do?" I jump up stalking toward him.

"That is it!" I exclaim reaching for my power. He speeds toward me and is suddenly right behind me. Before I can do anything strong arms are pushing us apart. I stumble backward glancing quickly at the large super soldier that came out of nowhere.

"Break it up," Steve states getting in between us.

"He started it," I tattle like a little kid. I'm exhausted, what can I say. It brings out my bratty side. I glance over at Pietro who just winks at me before speeding away. Ugh. I take back what I said. He is annoying all the time.

"You know he does that stuff to rile you up on purpose, right?" Steve asks heading toward the kitchen.

"Knowing that doesn't make it any less annoying," I reply following him. He just chuckles a little but lets the issue go. He is a smart man after all. I bid him farewell before heading to my room. I really want a shower before dinner.

I indulge in a nice, long, steamy shower. Once I'm dressed in my soft comfy pajamas I head out to grab some pizza. Tonight Steve decided to have a movie night to bring everyone closer or something. I didn't really listen to be honest. My interest stopped after he mentioned pizza. I hope they remembered my cheese sticks.

I make my way to the kitchen passing through the living room. The screen and room is setup for the movie night. The windows are blocking out the moonlight as usual. That setting is pretty handy. I don't have to keep up with the moon cycle anymore. Jarvis does it for me. I wonder what we will be watching. I run into pretty much everyone in the kitchen. It looks like I'm the last one to arrive.

I grab a plate blatantly ignoring a certain annoying speedster and load it up with my delicious cheese sticks. I might have had to kill someone if they forgot them. They are so good. I might be addicted. Everyone starts to make their way to the living room. I grab a water bottle and follow them out. I'm not paying that much attention as I enter the room.

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