Another Year Older

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Belle POV

I stretch my arms out yawning. I roll over getting even more tangled in my blankets. The sun is streaming into my room. Another year older already. The past year flew by between training, missions, and the like.

I roll out of bed finally, rubbing my eyes as I drag my feet over to my bathroom. A nice bath later and a little bit of this and a little bit of that and I am finally ready for the day. I might go out and get some ice cream for a treat. That's usually what I do on my birthday.

Walking into the kitchen, I am not expecting anything. That was my first mistake.

"Surprise!" I freeze as everyone jumps from their hiding spots. The lights flick on allowing me to take in the new decorations. Blue and green streamer line the kitchen ceiling and hold up a large banner that says Happy Birthday, Belle.

I look around and realize everything is under the sea themed. I can already feel my traitorish eyes turning on me. I've never had a party like this before. The counter is full with a large variety of breakfast foods that look steaming hot and ready to go.

"Happy Birthday, Belle," Tony says coming up to me and pulling me into a hug. I hug him back fiercely ducking my head into his should to hide the few tears that sneak out. "I love you and am so proud of you."

"I love you too, dad," I tell him smiling as I wipe my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Steve ask me concerned. I shake my head laughing slightly.

"Happy tears, promise."

Breakfast is fun. Everyone seems to be in a good mood today which is unusual but I'm not going to jinx it. Once everyone is done eating, Steve announces that we will be leaving in ten minutes. I try to ask about the destination but apparently it is another 'surprise'.

We all load up into our various vehicles and head out. I go through possibilities in my head but once I step out of the car I realize that I didn't guess this. We pulled up in front of a roller rink.

"Roller skating?" I ask Steve. He blushes slightly and runs a hand through his hair.

"We thought you might like it." They know me so well. I love roller skating. I head straight for the door with everyone tailing behind me. It doesn't take long before we all have are skates on and are ready to go.

I laugh as I skate around the rink with ease. They must have bought the place out because we are the only ones here. I am not about to complain about the lack of falling children to dodge. I can see the spies hiding out on the edge of the rink. I bet falling while roller skating would ruin their street cred.

Steve appears to be getting the hang of it with Bruce and Tony helping him out. Well, more like Bruce is helping him out while Tony mocks his struggle. So pretty much what you would expect.

I notice Wanda taking a seat next to Clint. She seems to be a natural as well. I look around trying to spot her twin. I notice him instantly flailing across the ring. I can't keep my laughter in. I have successfully found the one thing that prevents Pietro from going fast. I make my way over to him stopping beside just as he falls back on his butt, again.

"Need a hand?" I ask moving in front of him and offering him my hand. He smirks up at me and grasps my hand but instead of pulling himself up he pulls me down. I crash onto him immediately trying to roll off but he follows me.

I freeze as I realize I'm on my back with him over me. Chest to chest. My breath hitches at his face being so close to mine. I want to be really annoyed. I want to be annoyed at his stupid smirk. But annoyed is not what I am feeling.

"Happy Birthday," he says in a low whisper pressing his lips on mine. My eyes close instinctively but the next instant he's gone pushing himself up. My eyes flash open. I push myself up and watch him skate away with ease. I just got played. I touch my lips lightly realizing that I am not sure that I minded.

"Hey, watch it," I hear Tony say drawing me back to reality. I feel the heat grow on my cheeks realizing that everyone just saw that. I'm going to kill him. I push myself to my feet with a purpose.

I chase after him and I do manage to catch him a couple times but I'm pretty sure he let me. Once everyone is exhausted, Nat brings out a large cake from nowhere. Everyone sings, during which I have absolutely no idea where to look. Is it always that awkward? Everyone stuffs their face before heading back out onto the rink.

At the end of the day we head back to the tower. As I walk in I feel a presence at my side and a warm hand grabbing mine. I glance to the side taking in the signature smirk and white hair. I look back forward taking in everyone as we walk back in. Man, I don't know when it happened. But my life freakin' rocks now. And I wouldn't change any of it for the world. 

***And that's a wrap folks! Thanks for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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