Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As with all things nocturnal, the light of day chased the nightmares away.

But only for so long.

The day had started oddly promising enough, with clear skies and the sun blazing down unfettered upon all. The call came in quite early. Rafe was the one who fielded it, coming from his girlfriend and all. Anna was required to make yet another trip to the precinct. This time to meet with the public prosecutor who would be trying the case. By then she was already so over it. Justice was starting to look like fiction along with every other aspect of hope in her life.

"You are shitting me!"

Anna exclaimed in shocked horror. She turned swiftly to look at Rafe to see if he was in on the joke. But no, his face mirrored her own raw shock.

"I'm sorry but there is not much else we can do," the public prosecutor, Sammy-something-or-other looked on at her with utmost sympathy. As if he had a clue. As if he had a fucking clue over what Anna had been going through.

"Charlotte," he continued on, as if Anna hadn't just shot daggers at him with her intense glare, "has refused to back up anything you said. She claimed her intercourse with the two had been with her sanction and at her pleasure." Sammy rolled out the later with utter distaste.

He didn't know what he was on about. Anna flushed red from her own confused thoughts.

She was momentarily shocked by her own rebellious thinking. But there had been undeniable pleasure with the Prestons that first time, the rippled effect of which cushioned her encounter with them that second time. She knew all that had happened was wrong, but she couldn't deny how she had felt either. It was the one thing that made her self-hate all that much more difficult to overcome. She had always been sexually attracted to Matt Preston, and his brother Jason, was just a meaner, darker impersonation of his golden-boy good looks. The drugs had helped subside her natural aversion to being so physically accosted, but the induced pleasure had snubbed her inhibition altogether. She had not protested overmuch when Peter Preston lowered himself over her to have his turn.

And then at the classroom she had been as much swamped by memories of that pleasure as she had been by revulsion of his action. The contrary war going on in her head froze her actions. So that she had simply stood there like a mindless doll allowing them to freely do with her what they would.

But then what Sammy said penetrated and Anna made the connection at," Two? But there were three."

She looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

"Charlotte has not confirmed a Matt Preston having sex with her, and your video only showed glimpses of a Peter Preston and a Jason Preston in that office with her."

Anna recalled then that she had turned away and curled into a ball on the floor of that closet space. She had not been thinking about the camera that had been pinned to the front of her shirt.

Anna turned to helplessly face Rafe feeling utterly betrayed.

"What about what those fuckers did to Anna? Surely they can face prison for that?" Rafe shouted angrily, causing her to flinch. She had not seen him this mad before. He had always been controlled in that regard and she understood it was because he carried too much rage within. She felt sad that she was the cause for aggravating him to this extent. It wasn't as if he didn't already have enough on his plate without adding her load of shit to the pile.

"You had no surveillance on you. What they did to you did not get captured. Your tests prove there was no forced entry. The semen found provided the DNA evidence that you did indeed have sex with two Prestons, but that is about it," Sammy said, matter-of-factly.

Hope - Book 1 of the Bad Boy Vibes seriesWhere stories live. Discover now