Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"What was that all about?" Rafe asked, looking unusually handsome.


"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you're starving," Rafe smirked down at her.

They were now safely seconded in his office, and all she could think of was continuing where they left off.

"I'm not starving," she denied vehemently. But he only stared back at her, brows raised, waiting.

"I may be a little hungry," she finally admitted, sheepishly.

"You are ravenous for me and you know it..." he murmured, his tone subtly deepening as his eyes pinned hers, where she sat uncomfortably in front of his desk. Then he rounded his desk, and moved in closer. She jumped to her feet. But he only crowded in on her, invading her personal space, and again that urge to pounce on him and make him hers was almost overpowering, but he was talking, so she forced herself to pay attention and what he was saying sent shiver after shiver down her spine. Any moment now she would be reduced to a puddle on the floor. What he was saying was so meltingly erotic.

"...and you want me. Admit it. You could have gone after any of the boys here. God knows I've not done a thing to encourage your attentions towards me. Putting you on toilet duty since forever would normally have been a turnoff. But, despite that...despite that you came at me chest heaving and lips devouring." Rafe smirked smugly down at her.

That made her want to lash out at him first and devour him later. He had put her on that cancer-inducing toilet duty. She could well be about to die anytime now. But that was all the more reason to pounce on his amazing ass now, while she still could, and consequences be damned. How much worse could this get anyhow? She was already the laughing stock of this whole place. She didn't think her team would let the word spread, though. That inherent trust was still there, despite all their belly-full uproarious laughing at her expense, that belief that they had her back while she had theirs. It was just something about this place that brought that out in them. Although, Anna having Rafe's back could take on a whole different meaning, but she wasn't a guy and she would make do with his enticing front instead.

Was she able to even string two coherent non-sexual thoughts about him anymore? She used to have plenty she admired about him. His inherent goodness, his kindness...his ass? It was clear that until she took deliberate means to get him out of her system, he would remain invariably entrenched 'til the end of time. But that end was surely near—cancerous toilets and all.

As always, Anna opted for focusing on the bright side. And it just so happened that side justified her means.

And what she was now hearing, all but cemented it.

"I have wanted you as well," murmured Rafe, almost darkly. His face dropping low to close in on her. She flung her head back, not wanting to lose their eye contact as she listened to the delicious things he was saying. He stared into her eyes searchingly. Startled by the shimmer in their green depths. His lips hovered over hers uncertainly before with a muffled oath, he spun away to run trembling hands through his longish hair.

It was then she noticed, his hair was longish and unkempt. Highly irregular for someone of his military background. Why was he scruffy? Anna thought back to those times at his aunts, he had always been immaculately dressed, even if it was in a worn-out pair of jeans and tee. Now he wore army regulation clothing that fitted his position. And they were Navy fleece pants suitable to the slight chill of spring, not that he ever felt any, and your regular AAC cotton t-shirt which, on him, was anything but regular. His pecs had need to make their sculpted presence known and appreciated. It undoubtedly did wonders for intimidating the enemy. But she was hardly the enemy. With her, they enticed and inspired...and also just made her drool.

Hope - Book 1 of the Bad Boy Vibes seriesWhere stories live. Discover now