Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A week later, and they were on the road. No, they were not sentenced to exile. They were just out for a drive along remote country lanes, and on to the nearest town for a meal and some shopping.

"Did your car just fart?" Anna queried facetiously.

A dirty look was shot her way.

"My jeep does not fart!"

The loud snort that erupted from the engine said otherwise.

"Then what do you call that?" she asked reasonably.

"It's just the exhaust. It's old," Rafe muttered defensively.

"It's a rust bucket. A tetanus shot waiting to happen," Anna declared cheekily, then glanced his way to take in his reaction. A tightened jaw. As always he didn't disappoint. Anna discovered she loved teasing him, riling him up, and just generally aggravating him. He took most things too seriously and she just found that too cute to resist. Anna was not one for resisting temptations.

"Do not insult the love of my life," Rafe roared.

"Good to know where I stand in the grand scheme of things," she was quick to say sarcastically, her tone mockingly amused trying to cover up the hurt his words delivered.

"Anna? Baby? Don't be that way, kitten," Rafe started to placate her.

"I'm not a kitten. Cats are not my thing, unless they are of the dangerous variety, then I'm cool. I'm good for dogs though, you can call me your bitch anytime," she said half-seriously.

Rafe guffawed out long and lengthy, provoking her in return.

In the week since Rafe and Anna became an item, far from being worn out, the sex was still overzealous and fresh. Rafe was awesome that way—not embarrassed at all to try the new or the awkward.

But he was rather insatiable. Anna had even gone so far as to wonder how he managed before her. Rafe did not seem to be the kind to prefer to let his own hand do the job, yet she caught no glimpses or rumours of an ex. She should know, having grilled him long and hard enough. He wasn't a serial womaniser either. So she just didn't understand it.

But then he had been in the army and that might have something to do with it. Perhaps it developed restraint. Anyhow, he was more than making up for lost time. Classes had resumed, as was normal, the very day after Rafe bashed up Matt. Matt had been collected by his brother and driven off-base. The dean had delivered an ultimatum requesting the guilty party turn himself in, but it was unanimously concurred that the guilty parties had already left base in one piece or another. It had been a trepidation-filled few days for Anna, expecting the very worst, but no one came forward. No one pointed the finger at Rafe.

"Pack your belongings. You are moving in with me."—that hadn't happened. Spoken in the heat of the moment, Anna could understand it was never meant to transpire. Rafe was still a teacher here, and he had rules he needed to abide by. But that didn't mean they couldn't sneak off to be together when the need arose, with wishful thinking of no one being the wiser.

Rafe and Anna spent every night together. She snuck out of her dorm room and he drove her over to his place to spend the night, only to bring her back in the morning. She wasn't sure who they were hiding all this from; everyone already knew he was doing her just as they knew she was doing him right back. They were hardly discreet about it.

Stopping by to kiss her senseless between classes was, by now, the norm. Especially if those classes were her martial arts training. Then he would devise some means to have Anna stay behind after class to work on her moves in another, more passionate way. It was clear to all he couldn't get enough of her. Likewise, she panted right back after him. But both the base and the school had too much respect for Rafe Brown to do more than turn a blind eye and maintain a stocky façade that hid their open amusement.

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