Chapter 3

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"Tera I'm so happy for you, u can finally watch horrors with me.... Well now you are legal to watch it." Steafany winked at me. She is one of my friends, but we aren't that close she has long red hair with a long fringe and emerald green eyes.

"Well I never listen to people, you must know it by now." I smirk she looked at me and smirk with me.

Miguel comes and stands next to me and she lost her smirk it looks like she could have poop in her pants. I instantly started laughing my ass off and everyone stared at me like I have grown two head and that made me laugh even harder.


After the party everyone left and it was dark outside. Wait! didn't he tell me no one has to know where he lives and I instantly got mad at him. I desided to torture him. I slipped up stared where his room was and kicked his door open it swinged open till it hit the wall. Damn I'm strong I thought to myself.

I looked at him and he was in a towel and when the door slammed the towel fell... my eyes fell on is king jewels and my face went crimson red his huge parts was really something to look at it was 6.2 inches long. He looks at me and smirk "You like what you seeing?" He asked well he bent down to get the towel I looked at him and pulled the door close and ran down the stairs.

Calm down Tera it was only an accident it was an accident.... to see his perfect jewels... Just think about me and that... Stop thinking like that.

He comes walking down the stairs with a smirk and with no shirt, his perfect skin shines from his chest I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He looks at me and I go a darker red I didn't even know people can go so red.

I wanted to say something to stop this akward silence. "So... how did ... you plan ... this party..." I asked looking at my feet and trying to calm my heart that is pounding out of my chest.

He comes to me with super speed. "So you like what you see cause you are so cute when you shy and red." He smirked, I tried to hide my face lower but it didn't work because of my high ponytail.

He picked me up bridal style and I leaned closer to his chest and wondered how on earth I got a guy like him. I can still remember the first time we met....

But first... a bit about my past...

I was turning 7 when we moved to the woods I of course didn't mind cause I loved the woods. We first lived in Africa but something was wrong but my family never told me anything. My brother and sister cried cause they didn't want to leave their friends, I didn't care cause no-one wanted to hang out with me. They all told me I was weird and worth nothing I didn't mind thought I had a really good friend his name was Leon he was really old. When my dad told me we are moving I run to him he lived in a wild jungle  around alot of females that brought him food all the time. I always told him he was lazy he always roared of laughter he loved to talk and sleep and also protect his "pride". He was my best friend and only friend. When I had to tell him I have to leave we both cried not cause I had to leave but also he was busy dieing of old age and I would have been the next king of the jungle. We all said our good byes... I had to leave my pride  of lions behind in Africa. I truely loved it there, although I had only lions for friends. They thaught me alot of things but when I look back it was for the best.

My dad told us on the plane we are going to live in the woods cause he has to work there. I didn't mind it cause the wood is amazing. When we got to the house my sister told me she hates me for no reason I was so sad that I started running into the woods and run for a few minutes and I saw a lake Leon always told me good things happen at a lake. I always wondered why, I looked into the lake and saw Leon but also a guy out of this world his eyes starring at me. Leon looked at me one last time and disappeared.

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