Chapter 2- Confrontation

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My mother stormed out of her room as fast as she could.

"I'm gonna kill that sick bastard." She said, wiping a stray tear from her face.

One thing my father should've known is that my mother had a hot temper.
I once broke an expensive vase and she....Nevermind.

He would've known that if he actually spent time with his 'other' family.

"He is gonna pay. Him and that whore!" My mother rants, "And this time I'll make sure daddy knows about this."

My grandfather is the king of Oswald. That kingdom relies on swordsmanship.

To repair the alliance of the Emerald kingdom and Oswald, the prince, Rick Imogen, and the princess, Louise Lily Gwendolyn, were married.

Neither rejected the marriage as they were deeply in love with each other.

My mother stops abruptly.

"Mom, why did we stop?" I asked

"Oh, just the person I wanted to see." My father says.

From behind his back, I see the heroine and her mother staring menacingly.

"Just the person you wanted to see? You haven't seen me and your daughter for two years!" My mother yells, causing a few maids to stop and turn.

"Well-" Rick starts, but my mother cuts him off.

"After two damn years, you come to see me and Rose to tell us about your affair?!" She's practically screaming, but she deserves to. "You...You man-whore, have the audacity to step inside my mansion with that bitch!"

Rick moves from his spot and slaps my mother.

"Don't you dare talk about my wife like that!" He spits.

"Your WIFE?!" My mother screeches, "I'm your wife, and she's your daughter! No one else can replace that!"

This time, the heroines mother steps out.

"We just did. Thanks for leaving your man lying around, I have another on the way." She says, flipping her hair.

My mother, red with rage, steps up and slaps the bitch with all her might.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She screams.

"We're not leaving till you apologize." Rick says.

"Apologize for what, Rick?" I start, "Not only did you cheat on my mother, you got another woman pregnant and now she's pregnant again!"

"GET OUT NOW!" My mother snaps her fingers, and the guards come to escort the disgrace out of our presence. "You will pay for this, Rick. You will indeed."
Sorry for the short chapter. I felt like I could write more, I just didn't.

This is a nice cliffhanger that doesn't make any since because I'm gonna update again today.

I felt like I should give Rose a strong mother, because I have one and think that the way Rose was destined to be treated was not fair.

I've also went through the same thing Rose did (somewhat) so, I did my best to make that scene.

'🐻' with me, please 😂😂.

I have to use the restroom, so guardian potato lead the way to the potata outhouse ~

Peace fellow Potatoes, Patatas~~

- P. O. T. A. T. A.

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