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ii. Too Fast

Gwen thought over what she had done.

Did she forgive him to fast?

Was she going to just get hurt again?

'Why am I so damn gullible?' Gwendolyn thought to herself.

Mason, Liam, and Gwen walked up to the 'Sheriffs Line: Do Not Cross' tape and ducked under it.

They walked into the library and Gwen furrowed her eyebrows, "Why am I here again?"

"We think-"

"No you think." Mason snapped at Liam.

The brunette continued rolling his eyes. "I think Hayden's alive. We are trying to find the Nemeton cause that is where she would be."

Gwen scoffed, "From my knowledge she died in your arms and she isn't a Seer, like yours truly, so how, may I ask, did she come back?"

"I-I don't know, but I heard her heartbeat. I can just feel her presences. Does that make sense?"

"Crystal clear." Gwen brushed past him looking around in the library. Chairs and tables were broken, reminding her of the night before.

She looked over to wear she stood most of the night. On the ground blood laced the carpet. From when Liam hurt her.

She winced and touched her face. The scratches were still tender and fresh, but she told herself in quote, 'Don't be a puss.'

She noticed Liam having a moment like hers as well, "Liam..."

He looked up at her and sighed. "You shouldn't be helping me."

"I want to."

Mason slammed the book on the table and the two went over his shoulder and watched him go over the pages.

"All right. This is the one. You see these? These are Ley Lines. They're mapped according to telluric currents." Mason pointed to a page.

"Stiles said that he and Lydia were looking at the intersections." Liam continued.

"Probably this one." Gwen said pointing at the intersection of Beacon Hills. "But they never found it. They kept going out there to look, but they said the Nemeton has to want to be found." Liam added.

"It's a supernatural tree that has to want to be found for you to see it?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." Gwen groaned.

"That's awesome.. We should just make a copy-"

Liam proceeded to rip out the page making Gwen laugh and Mason stand there, mouth ajar.


They stood in the woods making Gwen shiver in the cold. "This is it. There should be a clearing here. Maybe the clearing doesn't want to be found either."

"You know what, it's a stupid tree, and honestly it can suck it because I could be doing something useful with my time right now instead of looking for a dead girl."

"Gwen.." Liam growled at her.

"Fine get mad at me. I don't care, but you know that even if she is back. She back like frankenstein, just an experiment. She's not gonna be the same, and if you like it or not.. she's not going to be on our side. She'll be with him.."

"Who? Theo?" Mason asked.


Mason looked at her confused.

"Yes, Theo, you dumbass."

Liam sighed, "We don't technically need your help, Gwen."

"But you still called. What because you knew I'd forgive you? Because I'm so naive."

"Gwen, what's your problem?"

"You wouldn't do this for me.." She said breathing out, almost inaudible.

Liam stepped toward her. "Yes I would. You're my best friend."

"You're heart. It jumped didn't it?" Liam looked at her sadly. Gwen continued, "You know, I'm about to turn this into a dumb romance novel.. I wasted my time for you. I'm just a burden to you, aren't I?"

"Gwen-" Mason started to speak.

"No. I'm tired of not standing up for myself. I'm tired of being quiet." She paused, "Just don't call, just don't text, just don't worry about me."

He swallowed the lump in his throat, tears collecting in the corners of his own eyes. "That's impossible."

"Goodbye Liam."

She ran farther into the woods, not caring if she overreacted, not caring if she couldn't take it back.

She felt good.

"She's kind've right, you know?" Mason mumbled softly making Liam glare at him.

"She's just jealous. Gwen always is." Liam kept walking. Mason threw his hands up in the air.

"You don't get it, do you? You've known the supernatural world for a year and a half. She's been through pain for almost 4 years. Gwen can handle being jealous. You know what she can't handle?"

Liam shrugged.

"You leaving her in a millisecond, when she opened up herself to you. People that have been through traumatic stuff don't do that naturally, Liam."

Liam rolled his eyes and looked down at the ground. "Let's just keep looking for the Nemeton."


Gwen walked through the town. She didn't realize how peaceful it was, when you didn't think about the supernatural world living inside.

She was going to see her father.

Gwen looked to her right to see a pizza place her and Malia always went to.

a/n: i didn't mean to publish this. i was still working on it but we'll go with it. lmao

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