Tony Perry

388 28 13

I don't know Tony's parents names so I'm just gonna use any names. Tia xxx

I look in the mirror one last time to make sure I look good because I'm going to meet Tony's parents after 6 months of dating.

Tony is standing near the door wearing black skinny jeans and a Linkin Park t-shirt. I smile and say "you look handsome" he says "thanks babe you look gorgeous" I blush kiss him and he kisses back. We pull away and he says " shall we go now?" I say "sure".

We go outside and get into his car and he starts to drive. A couple of minutes pass and he says "were almost there" and I start to feel nervous. What if they don't like me?, what if they think I'm not good enough for him?. My thoughts are cut off by the car stopping and tony saying "we're here". I look at him and say "what if they don't like me" and he pecks me on the lips and says "don't worry babe they'll love you" I say "ok".

We then get out of the car and walk up the pathway of his parents house he then knocks on the door. His parents answer it and his parents hug him and his mum says "tony dear come in we've missed you let's go into the living room to catch up. We go inside into the living room and sit down . His mum says "hi I'm Tony's mum Maria" and Tony's dad says "hi I'm Tony's dad Andrew".

I smile and say "I'm y/n nice too meat you" his mum says "we know tony is always telling us about you" and to y blushes and whines "mum" and we all laugh.

His mum Maria says "dinner is on so I'm going to check on it and while I do that you can watch tv". His dad Andrew puts the tv on and Maria goes into the kitchen. We talk and watch to until Tony's mum shouts "dinner is ready"
and we all go into the dining room.

Tony pulls a chair out for me and I sit down and say "thanks" and he smiles and sits next to me while his parents are at the opposite side of the table.

I look at the men's on my plate and see its tacos and Tony's dad Andrew says "it's nothing posh but it's Tony's favourite" I say "it's ok it's also my favourite". We then start to eat and occasionally making conversation.

We finish eating and Tony says "we have to go now but it was nice seeing you mum and dad". I say "thanks Maria and Andrew it was nice meeting you" the smile and say "you're welcome it was nice meeting you too". They then walk us the the front door and they hug Tony than they unexpectedly hug me but I hug them back. They say "bye you're welcome back any time" me and Tony say "bye".

We the go and get back into his car and drive home. On the way home he says "what do you think of my parents" and I say "they are really sweet just like you" and he smiles at that. He then says "also they already love you nearly as much as I do" and kisses me sweetly.

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