Nick Martin

216 21 3

Me and Nick have been together for 3 years and the pressure is getting harder agin it's like when we first started dating. We are always in the magazines because he's a guitarist and I'm a popular YouTuber who does all types of videos.

I'm out getting coffee at costa and at the table we are at I see a magazine on the table. So I pick it up and see that the headliner says 'Has y/n found a new boyfriend?' and on the cover is a picture of me and Destery Smith also known as my closest guy friend and on YouTube as CapnDesDes from a WTF news videos I did with him.

I decide not to get coffee and go home because seeing this magazine made me quite mad because I would never cheat on Nick, Destery is my closest guy friend and because the magazines always have to make up stuff and start drama. So I go home and go upstairs to mine and Nicks room.

I see Nick sitting on our bed with his head in his hands and the magazine next to him.I sit next to him in the bed and softly say "Don't tell me you believe that rubbish?" He looks at me sadly and says "I don't know if I do because you and Destery are always making videos together and spending time together". He then gets up and heads to the door but I grab his arm and stop him and say "Nick I'd never cheat on you because I love you so much and Destery is my best guy friend and I see him as a brother, do you honestly think I'd do this to you?".

He then doesn't look so sad and says "I know you wouldn't cheat on me, it's just hard seeing stuff like this, I know the media made this up, I sometimes hate the media, I'm sorry baby"

I feel a tear slip down my cheek and Nick notices it. He puts his arms around me and pulls me close and softly says "I love you so much" I smile and say "I love you too Nick".

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