Gerard Way requested

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A/N Hi guys sorrt for not updating in ages my phone has been messed up but i got a new one for xmas ans i know mcr arent together no more 😢but they are for this imagine. Tia xx
Warnings: could trigger some people

I'm on tour with my boyfriend Gerard and his band MCR, but at the moment Gerard and the guys are out.

I'm laying on my bed in mine and Gerard's bed in our shared hotel room looking through instagram.
There is alot of hate towards me on there. The hate makes me feel useless and when i feel useless i cut.
So i gett off the bed and look at the tims on my phone, I see that its 3:40pm so I have 20 minutes untill Gerard will be back.

I walk into the bathroom and get one of my unused blades from my makeup bag. I press the cold blade against my skin and shiver at the coldness of it.
I drag it aginst my arm and wince at the slight pain i feel.

The took my mind off the hate and I feel less useless. Suddenly I hear the hotel room open and Gerard shout   ''y/n I'm back". My eyes widen in panic and I frantically shout "I'm in the bathroom i'll be out in a minute".

I quickly hide the blade back in my makeup bag so Gerard wont find it. But indstead of Gerard waiting for me to come out he just walks in the bathroom. He sees the cuts on my arms and says "y/n what are they?" even though he knows what thay are.

Tears started falling from my eyes because I didnt want him to find out incase he'll leave me. "I'm sorry" I say quietly and look at him. He doesnt say anything he just stares at my arm so I leave the bathroom and sit onnnn  the bed with my head in my hands.

I feel the bed sink down next to me do I look up and see its Gerard. He looks at me with tears in his beautiful eyes and questions me "why do you do it?".
I sadly say "I've been getting hate from your fans and it makes me feel useless and cutting just takes my mind away from the hate, it makes ms feel better in a way".

Gerard sighs and says "I dont get why people hate on you and they arent real fans if they are hating on the one I love and you are a amzingly beautiful girl and you arent useless baby I love you so much so please promise to stop for me".

I look at him and truthfully say "I promise" he and half smiles at me and says "good" and kisses me on the head and pulles me into a hug in his sweet, warm embrace.

A/N Caramel_Cat I know this is a bit different than you wanted but this is all that I can think of I hope you still like it though. Tia xxx

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