Chapter 3: You Don't Know Me

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Spencer wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep but, apparently, she did, because she woke up on the hardwood floor of her room, her neck stiff and back sore

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Spencer wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep but, apparently, she did, because she woke up on the hardwood floor of her room, her neck stiff and back sore. She sat up, the blanket that she had been tangled in falling by her knees, she looked around, wondering if she had dreamt the previous night's events. Deciding that it didn't really matter, she pulled her hair into a messy bun and walked out of her room, not bothering to change.

"JARVIS, is there any breakfast up here?" she asked, looking through the small, almost empty, fridge.

"There are some protein bars in the cabinet, but in the main hall there are freshly made pancakes, as well as eggs and bacon," JARVIS explained to her. She sighed, shutting the pointless appliance's doors, but walked towards the lift and got on.

"Mind taking me?" she asked as it shut. The only response was the dropping of the elevator. She yawned as she scuttled off, her socks keeping her feet warm despite the cold floor. What she didn't realize, seeing as she had just woken up from a restless sleep and wasn't very attentive, was the rest of the Avengers, all staring at her now. When she looked up she inwardly groaned. Great, now the world's greatest heroes had seen her in fuzzy ninja turtle PJ pants and a cut shirt hanging off her shoulders. She had two options, let herself blush and show her embarrassment, or throw on the careless Stark smirk and play it cool. She chose the latter.

"Morning, everyone, I know I'm hot, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop staring," she smiled and grabbed a plate, beginning to make some food.

"She's just like you," Natasha Romanoff, the hot assassin that Spencer adored, muttered. Normally, Tony would have smirked and agreed, but right now, that was not his focus.

"Spence, where did those bruises come from?" he asked slowly. All of the other Avengers nodded, curious about the same thing. Spencer flinched and cursed herself when realizing her arms were exposed.

"I'm a clutz," she lied easily, used to having to cover slip-ups. Tony nodded, but didn't believe her, he decided it would be better to ask later. She sat down and let her gaze slip over each Avenger.

"Okay, well this is the team. Bird brain, Scary Assassin, Mad scientist, Queen Elizabeth, and Star-Spangled know-it-all," Tony introduced. Spencer rolled her eyes.

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