Chapter 8: Hacker

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            Spencer watched the footage through the traffic cameras of the fight. There were different Ultron's everywhere. How vain could someone be? Especially a bot. She guessed it made since, Tony did create him.

"Hold on. A big reason Ultron is so strong is the power from Loki's spear, right? So what about the ones he's creating? He can't possibly be recreating that energy can he?" she asked aloud.

"That's a good point. Do you think you can hack into the left over bots?" Coulson asked.

"Probably. If Ultron is really smart, which we've learned that he is, he won't have linked them all, so I'll have to depower them one by one... it'll take time," she admitted.

"Hold on, one of my agents on the field is also a hacker, she can help," he said.

"What's she doing out there?" Spencer asked, she couldn't take an agent from the field, they needed all the man power they could get out there.

"Getting the people to safety on the quinjet. Don't worry, we have plenty of agents out there," with that he walked away, barking orders out into a com. She bit her lower lips and turned back to her computer.

"Okay, Spencer, time to do some hacking," she began to type furiously on the computer.

"You Spencer Stark?" a beautiful young Asian woman with shoulder length brown hair and dark brown eyes sat down next to her, a computer in her own hands.

"Yeah, you the hacker Coulson sent?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, I am. The names Skye. You want to just shut them down?" she asked.

"Nice to meet you and no. I want to run them off of the floating country so that they die and there's no way they can come back online," she said. Skye smirked.

"Nice thinking. Let's get to work."


Spencer gasped as she was pulled up into a hug. Her father gripped her tightly, still in the same t-shirt and jeans he had been wearing under his suit. It had been easy to defeat Ultron once the left over bots had been eliminated thanks to the two hackers and Tony was glad to find his daughter and team safe. Even Pietro was beginning to look better as the Avengers medical team worked on him.

"You startled me." she chuckled as the two parted.

"Sorry kiddo... Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded.

"You kidding? I'm great! I just worked with the now even more secret agency and the Avengers to take down a murder bot. Best moment of my entire life." she said.

"What secret agency? Fury and Hill don't exactly count as an agency." Tony smirked.

"Dad. They're rebuilding SHIELD. I just worked with one of their agents." she said.

"What?" he asked, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"Well th-" she was cut off by a man walking up behind her, she jumped in surprise.

"Hello, Mr. Stark." Tony's eyes widened at the sight of Phil Coulson.

"Agent? What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!" he exclaimed.

"I was. For a while. SHIELD brought me back." he explained. Tony ran a hand through his mess of hair and fixed a smirk on his face.

"Well, uh, welcome back, buddy. Good to see you," he said. Coulson smiled.

"You too," he said.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go take a shower and then fall into my warm, inviting, bed," she said. With that she turned and walked away.

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