Chapter Twenty Five.

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry for such a late upload. I've been busy over the past couple of weeks, and I haven't really had time to write.

On the upside, I turned seventeen yesterday! Yay! :3

Don't forget to VOTE!


Chapter Twenty Five.
Madeline's Point of View.

The first thought that came into my mind as my eyes fluttered open was "Holy smokes. I'd!" I blinked, feeling disoriented.
Kyle's breathing was regular and even, indicating that he was still asleep. He unconsciously tightened his arms around me, causing a smile to lift the corners of my lips upward. I found myself relaxing in Kyle's strong hold. He made me feel safe, as though no harm would ever come to me when I was with him.

With the tips of my fingers, I traced shapes and swirls over the smooth skin of Kyle's chiselled torso. He uttered a small, incoherent noise, subconsciously moving closer to me, if that was even possible. Our naked bodies were already pressed together, and I didn't know about Kyle but I was definitely feeling hot and sticky. I had never experienced such exhilaration in my entire life. Never fallen victim to such pleasure. My heart was still beating erratically within my chest, hammering against my breastbone as though it was fighting to break free.

I turned my head, glancing toward the red numbers of Kyle's digital alarm clock. It was flashing 11:05 PM. Three hours and twenty minutes since we had come upstairs. It appeared that we had both fallen asleep for quite some time. I knew that I didn't ever want to leave this man's side. I didn't want to have to go home and face my mother, but I would rather do it sooner than later.

I closed my eyes, imagining myself as a normal girl. My brother would be at home in bed, and my parents would be curled up together on the sofa, watching a movie and enjoying being in each other's company. I, of course, would be right here with Kyle. A sigh fell from my lips as my eyes fluttered open. I shifted in Kyle's arms, trying to untangle myself from his grip. However, he merely tightened his arms around me. I rolled my eyes, knowing that I would have to wake Kyle up so that I could get up and get dressed.

I sunk my teeth into my lower lip for a fleeting moment before I turned slightly.


He groaned in his sleep, turning his head away from me.


I spoke a little louder this time, and nudged him with my elbow. His eyes finally fluttered open, and he moved one of his arms so that he could rub his hand over his face and into his tousled hair. His gaze eventually focused on mine, and a slow, sleepy smile spread onto his face.

"Kyle...I have to get up...I need to get home to talk to my mum about what happened."

An adorable wrinkle appeared on Kyle's forehead, mirroring the expression in his green eyes.

"Do you have to?"

I smiled at him, amused at his sounding like a child as I nodded my head.

"Unfortunately, yes. But I'll call you tomorrow. Oh, and don't forget Ellie's New Years party next week."

I finally managed to remove Kyle's arms from around me and swung my legs over the side of the bed before beginning to gather my clothes. I could feel Kyle's eyes on me, and my face turned fire truck red as I began to feel self conscious. I hastily stepped into my knickers, and put on my bra before tugging my dress over my head and attempting to straighten out my hair by flattening it with the palms of my hands. I looked back toward Kyle, and stepped into my shoes before taking the few steps over to his bed. I leaned over, and pressed a kiss to his lips as a smirk crossed my own. I turned around and walked over to the door. I opened it and paused in the doorway.

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