Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Author's Note: If you haven't already, please take a look at my new story, DEADLY HABITS. Thank you. (:


Chapter Twenty Seven.
Madeline's Point of View.

I could barely believe that I had allowed myself to crumble so thoroughly in front of Kyle the night before.

The memory of completely losing control was fresh in my mind as my eyes fluttered open. My face felt stiff with dried tears, and I could tell that my eyes were puffy. My sleepy gaze flickered over to Kyle, who had one of his arms thrown across my stomach. His breathing was rhythmic with sleep, and slumber softened his handsome features.

I watched the movement of my boyfriend's chest as it gently rose and fell. Slowly, I rolled my gaze upward until I was once more looking at Kyle's face. Almost instantly, a slow smile stretched onto my dry lips as my heart swelled.

I honestly had no idea what I would do without Kyle. He was gentle and supportive and everything that a boyfriend was supposed to be. Just being near him made my heart beat faster.

After last night, I was now certain that I could trust Kyle with anything. He had found out the truth about my home life, and he had not blamed me, nor had he left me. I had honestly thought that if Kyle knew, he would run straight for the hills. I was insanely grateful that he had proved me wrong.

Kyle had shown me that love wasn't just something that happened in books, and he had shown me what it was like to feel happy. All I had ever wanted was to find an escape for me and William. Kyle and his family were selflessly providing me with the escape that I had longed for. After seventeen years, I finally felt as though I was part of a family.

I sucked in a deep breath, smiling slightly as Kyle stirred and murmured incoherently in his sleep. My thoughts drifting to what would happen next, I felt my stomach clench with nerves. I had no idea what was going to happen now that Chris had hired me a lawyer from his firm. All I knew was that the lawyer would want to ask me questions- questions that I would not want to answer. The mere thought of the uncomfortable situation filled me with dread.

I rolled my tongue over my lips to moisten them as I exhaled. Carefully, so as not to wake Kyle, I shifted out from under his arm. He murmured in protest, but didn't wake. Letting out a breath, I padded out of the room and quickly went to the bathroom before making my way to the guest room that William had slept in. I stuck my head around the door, smiling as I watched my sleeping brother. Satisfied that he was okay, I made my way back down the corridor and down the stairs.

Looking at my watch, I noted that it was only 7am. I didn't know if anyone would be awake yet. I peeked into the living room, and on finding it empty, made my way to the kitchen where I found Ruby seated at the table with a steaming mug in her hands. At the sound of my footsteps, she turned her head in my direction. She smiled tiredly.

"Couldn't sleep?"

She asked. I shook my head.


"Me either."

I slid into one of the wooden chairs at the table.

"Would you like a hot chocolate or some coffee?"

Ruby asked. I found myself smiling slightly.

"Hot chocolate, please."

I said softly. Ruby nodded and took a quick sip of her drink before setting it down on the table. She stood up, and set about making me my drink. I sat in silence, my heart thumping nervously. I had never been alone with either of Kyle's parents, and I wasn't sure what I should say to make things less awkward.

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