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Author's Note: Sadly, this is the end of Safe and Sound. If you are still reading my story, then I am insanely grateful for your continued support.
Please remember to vote as this story is entered for the Watty Awards.

And if you were not aware, I have another story going, 'Deadly Habits' that I will hopefully be updating at least every Sunday if I have the chance.




Madeline's Point of View.

I stepped from the car and onto the concrete pavement, a cardboard box in my hands. My father appeared beside me, and I turned my head to look at him. On the other side of the car, Kyle was helping William out of his booster seat.

"You ready?"

Dad asked me, his eyes focused on mine, searching for any sort of doubt.  I was sure that he would find none. I had never been more certain of anything in my life.
I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Let's do it."

A smile broke out on dad's face, and I mirrored it with my own. He placed one of his hands on my shoulder and squeezed gently.

Finally, William and I were moving in with dad. We were going to be the happy family that I had always dreamed of. Our mother was well and truly out of the picture, and we were safe. I didn't have to deal with my mother anymore. The only thing that was left of her in my life were the memories.

I caught Kyle's eye and he grinned, one of my boxes in his hands and William as his side. I glanced at my brother for a moment, warmed by the smile on his face; the one that was always there no matter what.

I knew that I would never truly be able to forget what had happened to William and I, but I did know that I would be able to deal with it. I was stronger than I had thought. My mother had not won when she was in my life, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let her win now that she was out of my life.I was free from her, and free to live like a normal teenager.

No more cleaning up vomit.

No more drunk mother.

No more beatings.

I was free.

I had a boyfriend who I loved and who loved me back; I had a dad who would never hurt me and who wanted to keep me safe; I had the most amazing brother in the world.

 I couldn't think of anything else that I wanted or needed.

For the first time in my life, everything was perfect, and I knew that I was going to be okay.

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