Chapter Twenty Six.

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Author's Note: I know it's been a month since I last uploaded, and I'm really sorry. I haven't been writing much. Anyway, here is the next chapter. It's not as long as usual, but I hope you all like it anyway.

Picture on the side is of Madeline.



Chapter Twenty Six.
Kyle's Point of View.

My brain was unable to register what I had just seen.

Back up a second.

I mentally rewound the last couple of moments, replaying the scene in my mind.
Cora's hand shooting out and making harsh contact with Madeline's cheek.
Madeline's head snapping back from the force, a shocked expression on her face.

The scene eventually clicking into place, my mouth dropped open and my fingers curled inward so that my hands had made fists. Madeline looked at me, terrified. Instantly, I moved in her direction, curling my fingers around the material of her dress and pulling her back toward me and away from her mother. She stumbled, but I pulled her back anyway, steadying her with my other hand as I stepped in front of her. Our previous argument dissolved as my need to protect Madeline came to the forefront of my mind.

A feral growl rumbled through my chest and fell from my lips.

"Don't you fucking touch her again!"

I was rewarded with an incoherent hiss.

My heart thundered within my chest, beating at what felt like a million times a minute. My stomach was churning with anger, and my palms were clammy. If Cora had been a guy then I would have knocked her the hell out by now.

I was still sorely tempted to do so.

Madeline placed the palms of her hands gently against my shoulder blades, calming me.

"Has she hit you before?"

I asked, though this time my words were clearly aimed toward Madeline.


Her voice was barely a whisper, and her vulnerability tugged at the strings of my heart.
But I had to know.

"Has she hit you before?"

I repeated, my voice rising a fraction.
I turned my head just in time to see a pained expression cross Madeline's beautiful face.
I had my answer.

Everything made sense now.
The limping.
The inexplicable bruises.
Her insistence on taking William with her everywhere.

I couldn't even put my uncontrollable rage into words.
I was also feeling a second, equally prominent emotion.


A great feeling of despair seemed to be weighing down on my heart, crushing it. It was so incredibly difficult to believe that someone would actually want to harm their child. Angry tears filled my eyes, and I instantly wiped them away with the inside of my wrist. Whipping my head and body around so that I was now facing Madeline, I placed my hands on her narrow shoulders. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and fearful.

"Madeline, I want you to go and get your brother, and pack a bag for each of you."

I could see the hesitance in her eyes, the immense vulnerability that filled her hazel orbs in the form of tears. I dipped my head and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead.

"Don't argue. Just do it. Please."

The urgency in my voice must have alarmed her, because she scuttled off in the direction of her front door, taking care to give her mother a wide birth.

Cora's feet seemed rooted to the spot, shocked that someone was finally challenging her authority. Well what the hell was I supposed to do? Just leave Madeline and William there to get beaten?! I didn't think so! Anyone with an ounce of compassion in them would never be able to just walk away from the situation.

Safe and Sound (Watty Awards 2012).Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz