Chapter 2

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     Rowan flopped down on her bed after a long bath and a change into fresh clothes, pulling the soft covers over her head. She didn't care if it was a little early— she was exhausted. But fate didn't care about that.

     "Rowan!" the door burst open, and Quinn strode in with a hand held dramatically to her forehead before sitting down neatly on the edge of Rowan's bed, "Oh, Rowan, sometimes it's absolutely horrible to be the most gorgeous woman in the country!"

     "What's wrong? Can't find a handkerchief to match your complexion again?" Rowan guessed, recalling the last time this had been said.

      "Worse!" Quinn sounded almost close to tears, and Rowan felt a pang of sympathy for her sister. She scooted closer as Quinn began to explain, "Father is using every possible path of negotiation to keep us out of war with Tiberia, but he's running out of options! He's invited Kaizen and some of his soldiers to join the castle for a grand dance in an attempt to reach some conclusion for a treaty."

     "That's good though, isn't it?" Rowan's brow furrowed at her sister's distraught appearance and tone.

      "One of the oldest bonds in the book to start a treaty is to engage the rulers or their heirs in marriage," Quinn said anxiously, "So as a fail safe, Father wants me to get him to like me!"

     "Quinn, any guy on the planet would fall to your whims if you wanted them to," Rowan rolled her eyes her sister's concern.

     "But I don't want him to," Quinn sighed through her nose as if frustrated, "He's probably old and gross- oh, Rowan, what if he's bald? What if he's mean? He is trying to start a war over a hunk of worthless rock!"

     "Now I'm starting to see the problem," Rowan gave her sister a sympathetic look, "I'm sure Dad won't make you marry him if he's mean to you. But you're a princess, you're supposed to dedicate yourself to the protection of the kingdom!"

     "I know it's my duty as princess, but..." Quinn sighed deeply, wringing her hands together nervously in her lap, "I don't feel ready for sacrificing everything I want for something my kingdom needs!"

     "No, I get it," Rowan told her quickly, "I wish I could help..."

     "Not much you can do, is there?" Quinn sighed, rubbing her forehead, "I just wanted to tell you because I can actually talk to you as a real person and not as a princess. It makes me feel better when I can tell someone how I really feel."

      "I can imagine," Rowan rested a hand on her sister's shoulder, "But think about it. What if you meet him and think he's incredible? He could be the best person ever!"

     "Or the absolute worse."

      "Or he couldn't care less about you but you'll have access to all his money," Rowan reminded her, "You'll be the queen of the second most powerful kingdom of the four, and the largest one too."

     "That does sound pretty good," Quinn admitted with a sigh, resting her hands neatly in her lap. Rowan found herself marveling at her sister's perfect posture when she was so clearly distressed.

     "And if you hate it, Dad won't make you do it," Rowan assured her, "It'll be a blast. If nothing, the dance should be fun. I haven't been to one since I was little, remember?"

     "Oh, yes, Mom's birthday party! It was quite lovely, wasn't it?"

     "It was amazing," Rowan agreed with a smile, "This one should be even bigger and better since it's not just for us. We're trying to make an impression."

     "Oh, but..." Quinn trailed off, looking away, "I swear I don't agree with this, but Adeline says... she doesn't think you should go. I think she's worried you'll mess up or make us look bad in front of the Tiberians."

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